Is Nuketown in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6?

Leonardo Biazzi

Leonardo Biazzi

Nostalgic Black Ops players sure hope so.

Nuketown is a fan-favorite map across the Call of Duty: Black Ops games, so no wonder people are looking for it in Black Ops 6 now that the game fully launched worldwide.

The Nuketown map is essentially a synonym for the Black Ops setting in Call of Duty games as the developers included it in all Black Ops games since BO1.

But, players haven't found Nuketown in Black Ops 6 thus far despite one of Call of Duty level designers, Adam Hoggat, saying in an interview with IGN that Nuketown will return in BO6.

Is Nuketown in Black Ops 6 at launch?

No, Nuketown isn't in Black Ops 6 at launch. However, don't worry, as Nuketown will make its way into the game sooner rather than later.

When is Nuketown coming to Black Ops 6?

Black Ops 6 wouldn't be a truly Black Ops game without this map (Image via Activision)
Black Ops 6 wouldn't be a truly Black Ops game without this map (Image via Activision)

The map is coming to Black Ops 6 on Nov. 1, thus one week after the worldwide release, as DLC.

Nuketown fills that sentiment of nostalgia inside every fan of Black Ops games. The map resembles those nuclear towns from the 1950s in the United States that were used to test nukes in the context of the Cold War. This type of town was recently depicted in the cinema as it's the background of Wes Anderson's last movie Asteroid City.

And, it's exactly that nostalgia sentiment that the developers want to explore with Nuketown in BO6. According to Adam Hoggat, they made so many different versions of Nuketown in the years that followed BO1, that it's time to bring the original version back.

"Recently it started occurring to me that probably a large percentage of our players never actually experienced the original one. And so I'm really excited that with Black Ops 6, we now get to basically revisit the original Nuketown, and exactly the magic that was the original one but looking better than it has ever looked."

Call of Duty level designer Adam Hoggat on how Nuketown will look in BO6.

So, let's hold tight and wait for Nuketown's release on Friday, Nov. 1!

That's all for now. Continue browsing for more Black Ops 6 news and guides.