The Call of Duty servers are down as of September 26.
According to Activision's official website, Call of Duty (COD) servers are currently down. This Sept. 26 outage is affecting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, and Warzone across all platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Activision has yet to issue a statement on the matter, but lots of players have reported the game's online servers are entirely inaccessible. Here is what we know at the moment.
Players worldwide report Call of Duty servers are down

As of 10:20 a.m. PST, Activision Online Services reported, "We're currently experiencing connectivity issues. This incident is under investigation." The screenshot above via the Activions website indicates that Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, and Warzone are down for all platforms. MW3 launched Season 6 eight days ago, featuring Michael Myers, and players are eager to jump back in.

Typically, Activision would provide updates on the ATVIAssist social media account. However, that account has not posted since Sept. 24. It's safe to assume any updates regarding the ongoing Call of Duty servers being down will come through at the X account. Otherwise, you can continuously check the server status on Activision's official website.
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Outages happen occasionally, and it's unknown whether Activision planned this maintenance. If that were the case, the publisher would typically announce a maintenance period, which points to an unexpected server issue. Activision has not updated the status website since the Call of Duty servers mysteriously went down.
Unfortunately, players will have to wait for an update or at least a timeframe of when Activision will resolve the issue. Until then, your best bet is to check back here for updates until the server outage concludes.
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