Apex Legends is giving the Support Class some serious power in Season 23.
Apex Legends Season 23 is giving the Support Class one of the largest series of buffs in the games history. The perks that all Support Legends share are getting a huge overhaul, with developers hoping to shift the meta firmly towards Support legends this season.
These Class changes come alongside several buffs to Support Legend's abilities too. Lifeline has had a character rework, and there are noticeable buffs to Conduit, Newcastle and Gibraltar in Season 23 too.
Here's everything that's changing for Support Legends in Apex Legends Season 23.
Everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 23:
The Support Class is getting several buffs in Apex Season 23
Each class in Apex Legends has several 'Class Perks', these are shared abilities among every legend in that class. This includes things like access to the Assault or Support Loot Bins, previewing what is in a Care Package and accessing Survey Beacons or Ring Consoles.
Previously, the Support Class had two perks in Apex Legends:
- Access Support Bins special loot tray
- Allow your team to craft Banners at the Replicator
In Season 23, the Support Class will no longer keep the crafting Banners perk. That will instead become something all teams can do no matter what Legends they use.

However, Support Legends will be getting several new and much more powerful perks in exchange. These are:
- No movement penalty when healing
- 2x health when using Cells or Syringes (like the old Gold Armour perk)
- Revive teammates 25% faster
- Teammates who have been revived will spawn with health regen for a short time
- Mobile Respawn Beacons will be in your teammates Deathboxes automatically, and will be at Replicators when Crafting Banners
Respawn says these "meaty changes" will let these Legends "excel in revival and recovery". It's certainly a huge power boost to the Support Legends in Apex Legends, and should drastically impact how often they are played. As a reminder, Support Legends are:
- Lifeline
- Loba
- Mirage
- Gibraltar
- Newcastle
- Conduit

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Some Support Legends also getting Season 23 buffs
The additional power for Support Legends isn't stopping at just Class Perks in Apex Legends Season 23. Several of the Legends are also getting changes. Lifeline has her big rework this season, and then Gibraltar, Newcastle and Conduit are all getting buffs.
Gibraltar is getting a significant upgrade to his Dome of Protection cooldown. This is dropping to 17 seconds, almost half his previous cooldown of 30 seconds. He also gets new Legend Upgrades, one to increase the area of his Ultimate and another that lets him run at full speed with a Shotgun out. Additionally, Maggie and Crypto's Ultimate's will no longer destroy his Dome.
Newcastle getting a huge range of buffs
Newcastle, who has already been increasingly popular amongst professional players this season, is also getting a buff as part of the Apex Legends Season 23 Support Class overhaul. His Mobile Shield will no longer have health. This will make it indestructible, a major improvement. It can also be controlled while Newcastle is downed, so he can still help teammates if he falls. That's not all, his Revive Shield health is also getting a 50% increase.
His buffs aren't just focused on his abilities. Like Gibraltar, he gets two new Legend Upgrades. One will increase the speed at which he moves when reviving, and the second new Upgrade will give 15 seconds of Shield Regen to any teammate in range when he slams his Wall.

For Conduit, her Passive is being improved. You will now get the speed boost when running towards Allied Deathboxes, Respawn Beacons and Crafting Stations. Additionally, if you're running towards a downed teammate, there will be no distance limit to when the speed boost takes effect.
Devs said that while Loba and Mirage aren't getting any buffs at the moment, they said some "spicy" changes are planned for both Legends at the mid-season patch. It's hoped that these Legend changes, coupled with the new Class Perks, will push Support Legends into the "spotlight" across "all skill bands" in Apex Legends Season 23.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Apex Legends Season 23 news.