The Legacy trailer dropped for Apex Legends and the community is hyped.! Jump inside for our breakdown and predictions for the new season.
With Apex's new Stories from the Outlands Northstar cinematic teasing us for season 9, Respawn just released the launch Legacy trailer for the new season. The trailer is packed full of references to upcoming changes, maps, and Legends and we are here to break it down for you.
Legacy trailer hints at a new Arena to duke it out
The Legacy trailer starts out with with the new legend Valkyrie flying into what looks like a new map. With a similar environment to World's Edge, this map looks like a crash site from a ship. This is probably for the new "arena" game mode that Ash teases in the trailer. With a map this small, we can assume that it'll be a close quarters 3 man squad game mode. Instead of the classic Battle Royale, an arena game mode could potentially be an objective based game mode, like Call of Duty's Hardpoint or capture the flag.

Potential Legend Changes
As the trailer goes on, we get to see the legends duke it out on the new arena game mode map. We see fuse launch his tactical Kunkle Cluster at an enemy squad. Comparing it to season 8's launch trailer, the abilities area of effect is noticeably larger, which could mean a buff incoming for the demolition expert. The dev's also mentioned in a Reddit post that fuse's win rate is the lowest out of all the Legends and that they were looking into buffing him.

Then after some skirmishing, we get to see the new legend Valkyrie enter the arena. Swooping in and releasing what looks to be like a rocket barrage, wipes out a 3 man squad. This is most likely a demonstration of her new kit, with a flight/mobility tactical and an rocket barrage ultimate. A theory however, is that her tactical launches you up into the air with a small area of effect damage, and her passive lets you glide through the air.

The last change that we could tell is for everyone's favorite stim junkie. In a beautiful sequence of animation (and my favorite part of the Legacy trailer), we get to see him run through a bunker in artillery while being chased by Horizon. Octane then uses the Stim and he leaves the capsule on the ground, which Horizon proceeds to step on.
The inclusion of her stepping on it feels like it's alluding to something. At the moment Stim affects no other player apart from Octane himself, but perhaps that is about to change. Perhaps next season allies or enemies might be able to interact with the speed boost that you get from stim. Probably not to the same extent as Octane, but maybe just a minor boost.

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The Return of the Peacekeeper
During the Legacy trailer, we get to see Horizon sporting our favorite shotgun, the Peacekeeper. A lot of players have been wanting to see its return and shift out of the care package rotation. Hopefully, with Horizon running around with the weapon, we could potentially see its return to ground loot with some minor adjustments. Typically, during Legacy trailers we mainly see ground loot and hints at a new weapon, so our hopes are high for this one.

We also briefly see the Bocek Bow at the end of the trailer. This new weapon takes a different turn typical guns, but the compound bow looks like an absolute joy to use. The way the blog describes the bow, it most likely would fall under heavy or even sniper gun types. But like most bows in video games, it'll probably be an absolute blast to use.

Mirage Voyage has docked in Olympus
Towards the end of the Legacy trailer, we get to see Mirage, Caustic, Wraith, Loba and Pathfinder all in a newly revamped Oasis. With a more "night city" esque tone, the area looks more developed with city buildings similar to fragment east/west or skyhook. Additionally, Mirage Voyage has also docked in Oasis, making it a strong contender for an early game hot drop zone.

With a beautiful launch Legacy trailer hyping us up for the new season, all we can do is impatiently wait for May 4th when the season releases. The new map changes, potential legend changes, and game mode all make this season new season something to remember.
New 3v3 Game mode
Respawn has also announced a new 3v3 game mode that will allow players to practice Valkyrie in-game. Players can also get their hands on the new Bocek Bow in this game mode. The 3v3 mode will launch alongside Apex Legends: Legacy on May 4.
Stay tuned to for the latest Apex Legends news and updates.