Entourage star and avid gamer Jerry Ferrara talks esports and Apex cover image

Entourage star and avid gamer Jerry Ferrara talks esports and Apex

The ‘Entourage’ star chatted with us about gaming while growing up, being a scout for the Knicks esports team, and where he thinks esports will go in the future.

Jerry "Turtle" Ferrara talks gaming, esports, and the Knicks as the Entourage star navigates the wide world of esports.

Ferrara on Gaming in Hollywood

Ferrara rose to fame as a member of HBO's Entourage (Turtle), and at times would play games on the show. Growing up a gamer, Jerry has fond memories of playing arcade games or memorizing cheat codes in Fighting games.

On set he would sometimes game with his co-stars in games like Halo or tabletop games like Foosball. He plans on bringing a rig to the set of a movie he will be working on this summer, and he finds that gaming culture has intersected with mainstream culture as he's grown older.

Grinding Games while working

Gaming has come a long way from reading game guides in the back of Gamestop, and Jerry has evolved with it. Now a married man, his time is limited, but his game of choice while working as an actor is Apex Legends. For Ferrara, he is both a fan and a student of the game as he often watches the ALGS.

I enjoy watching greatness... even if I know I will never be a professional gamer anymore.

Jerry Ferrara

His hobby has become one that mirrors a big portion of the country as gaming becomes more mainstream. Both playing and watching games has become a major point of contention recently, and Ferrara is proud to say he enjoys both. Whether its the ALGS or the NBA 2k league, Ferrara points to his love of watching greatness.

Ferrara on esport's future

As a notable New York sports fan, Ferrara was tapped to be the New York Knicks gaming head scout. Both a big gamer and Knicks fan, Ferrara helped the franchise win the inaugaral 2k League season and is still involved in the team's operations.

For Jerry Ferrara, esports has a bright future as more and more traditional sports organizations invest. He is bullish on both the games he watches and those he doesn't, as both gamers and fans of greatness look to new forms of entertainment in 2021 and beyond.