Check out some of the best moments from the Apex Rising Charity Tournament.

The Apex Rising charity tournament has finished with over $168,000 raised for (RED), the charity supporting the fight against AIDS and injustice surrounding preventable diseases. In the end, Team Drumbum came out on top with 66 points. 

Apex Rising finals, with stats and highlight clips

Jon "Falloutt" Kefaloukos made this tournament to bring more opportunities and events to the Apex Legends community, especially for undiscovered talent. Falloutt has expressed multiple times his enthusiasm for creating more grassroots events. According to Falloutt, this tournament is just the first of the "Apex Rising initiative" which is a by-the-community, for-the-community program, as explained in the clip below. Could Falloutt be the Nick Fury of the Apex Legends community?

So far, it seems that he has been successful at creating an event that unites the entire community, but if you want more on this exciting idea, check out our exclusive interview with Falloutt.

The unique quirk of this specific tournament was in the team line up, which saw one pro and two amateur players competing together. This has created a fantastic chance for aspiring pro players to prove themselves alongside popular streamers and pro players. One upcoming talent to keep an eye on is Vodery, a fifteen year old player who hopes to play in ALGS once he's sixteen. More information on this interesting tournament composition can be found here.

Falloutt's Comp Ecosystem Graphic (via @Falloutt on Twitter)
Falloutt's Comp Ecosystem Graphic (via @Falloutt on Twitter)

Furthermore, the Apex Rising charity tournament highlighted new talent beyond players. Casters like Ashurvok, Miss_MDK1, YoBoyCue, CeeBeeChan, Tenrekyt, and TAG_tom_apex brought a fantastic energy to the charity event with their jokes and expert commentary. 

How much did Apex Rising raise for charity?

By the end of the event, Apex Rising raised over $168,000 for (RED). However, you can still contribute to a fantastic cause by donating to the fight against AIDS. Donate via Tiltify here.

On top of that amazing amount raised by the community, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has pledged to match the number one for one. Meaning that the Apex community has helped raise $337,568 for the fight against AIDS.

Who won the Apex Rising charity tournament?

Team Drumbum ultimately won the tournament with 66 points. Below are the final scores of the grand finals.

Final results of Apex Rising Charity Tournament (Screenshot via Falloutt on Twitch)
Final results of Apex Rising Charity Tournament (Screenshot via Falloutt on Twitch)

Final Rankings and points

  1. Team Drumbum - 66
  2. Team Sweetdreams - 62
  3. Team Dezignful - 61
  4. Team Phony - 58
  5. Team K4shera - 52
  6. Team FUT Taylor - 52
  7. Team Snip3down - 43
  8. Team ImperialHal - 37
  9. Team iiTzTimmy - 36
  10. Team Gent - 34
  11. Team Artinn1 - 31
  12. Team Hakis - 27
  13. Team B1n - 26
  14. Team Ftyan - 26
  15. Team Onmuu - 23
  16. Team Oh_Nocturnal - 23
  17. Team Verhulst - 17
  18. Team Rambeau - 13
  19. Team Hardecki - 8
  20. Team Wxltzy - 5

Best moments in clips

Over the course of 12 games and six hours of content in the Apex Rising charity tournament, these pros and amateur players made some fantastic hype moments.

Rambeau gets a down with an up-close charge rifle shot

Team Drumbum wins finals game one with massive sheila W

Hal gets an armor swap with a sliver of health

Sweet targets ImperialHal with his Kraber