Apex Legends players will get the chance to climb an in-game leaderboard and earn unique rewards with Apex Cups, launching with the upcoming Urban Assault event on April 24.
The upcoming Apex Legends update will bring the Urban Assault event with it, alongside Apex Cups. Apex Cups will be a chance for players to earn unique rewards by participating in in-game mini-tournaments.
The Apex Legends community will get an opportunity to participate in a few competitive shenanigans of their own based on how Apex Cups work. Popular Apex Legends data miner KralRindo revealed the details on Twitter.
Additionally, there are also rumours Apex Cups will return for Season 21.
How do Apex Cups work?
As part of the Urban Assault update, Apex Cups will work as a "mini-ranked" mode with its own set of rewards. As an in-game competition open to all players, Apex Cups will feature a set of rules.
- Only players with an account higher than level 20 can participate and earn rewards
- Apex Cups will take place across two rounds.
- Round 1 will begin on April 24.
- Round 2 will begin on May 3 - Apex Cups will be restricted to the Three Strikes game mode
- Pre-made squads will not be allowed to participate. So participants will always be teamed with randoms.
- Participants must enable crossplay
- Apex Cups will have their own in-game leaderboard
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What are the rewards for participating in Apex Cups?
Players will earn points for placement. These points will place them across five tiers of rewards. These tiers are based on players' position on the leaderboard, so the goal for participants is to climb this leaderboard. The rewards for round 1 are as follows:
- All players will receive participant badges
- Top 75% will receive battle pass stars
- Top 50% will receive stat trackers
- Top 20% will receive an Epic Mastiff Skin called Shadow Pack
- The top 100 players will receive a unique competitor badge.
Subsequently, the round 2 rewards will be as follows:
- The rewards for top 100%, top 75%, and top 100 will remain the same as in round 1.
- Top 50% will receive a "Let's Fight" holospray
- Top 20% will receive an Epic Volt Skin called Dire Revolution
When does the Urban Assault update release?
According to KralRindo, the Urban Assault event will go live on April 23. Apex Cups will be accessible in-game a day after that, on April 24.
There is some speculation that the Apex Cups leaderboard are a testbed for Ranked Leaderboards in the future. Apex Legends content creator Thordan Smash claims he has heard that Apex Cups will make a return in Season 21 featuring Quads and Solo game modes. Therefore, these game modes won't be LTMs.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports and Apex Legends news.