Apex Legends announces the Veiled Collection Event

Raviprakash Rao

Raviprakash Rao

Apex Legends has revealed the final in-game event for Season 16. The Veiled Collection Event includes the Caustic prestige Skin.

Apex Legends Season 16 is coming to a close and it ends with one final collection event. The Veiled Collection Event goes live on April 25 and it features the Caustic prestige skin, a new limited-time mode (LTM), and a few spectacular legendary skins. The announcement also ended up "accidentally" revealing some Season 17 content, but it was taken down in a hurry.

Caustic prestige skin

The main attraction for the Veiled Collection Event is the new prestige skin for Caustic titled the "Apex Contagion." Thematically, it works really well for Caustic whose entire schtick is toxic gas that poisons enemies. It also features one of the coolest finishers in the game, with Caustic menacingly walking up to his kill and vomiting noxious liquid all over them. It's quite similar to the Acid Spit move by Reptile in the Mortal Kombat series.

Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event

Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event (Image via Electronic Arts)
Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event (Image via Electronic Arts)

Of course, the event features a free collection that players can grind by completing in-game objectives. The free rewards include a rare Newcastle skin, a rare Mozambique skin, a gun charm, and a holo-spray. Players can also earn an extra treasure pack, crafting materials and Battle Pass levels through the free collection event.

Event-themed legendary skins

The paid collection event includes some gorgeous legendary skins for Rampart, Octane, Wattson, and Gibraltar. These skins also include accompanying legendary weapon skins for the Rampage, Sentinel, and CAR SMG. As is the case with prestige skins in the past, players need to unlock every legendary and epic skin available for purchase in the Collection Event to acquire Caustic's prestige skin. This means either purchasing all available cosmetics outright or trying your luck with event-themed packs.

The TDM Unshielded Deadeye LTM

The Veiled Collection Event update for Apex Legends will also add a new LTM to the game. Basically, the new LTM offers a more challenging take on the Team Death Match mode which was introduced in Season 16. It's called TDM Unshielded Deadeye. As the name suggests, it's a Team Death Match with long-range loadouts and no shields. There are three possible loadouts that players can choose from.

  • Wingman and 30-30 Repeater
  • Hemlok and G7 Scout
  • Kraber and Sentinel

Respawn tried something similar in the past with the "Armed and Dangerous" takeover event. Players were basically restricted to White Shields, Shotguns, and Snipers in the BR loot pool during this event.

Ballistic "accidentally" revealed on Veiled Collection Event page

Whether intentionally or not, Respawn ended up revealing the identity of the new legend in Season 17. It's pretty much another confirmation that Ballistic will be joining the Apex Games soon. The event page on the Apex Legends website featured a header image of Ballistic firing a gun that looked a lot like the Smart Pistol from Titanfall. We're unsure of whether the developers meant for this to happen or not. It could either be a teaser or a blunder. Everyone's just hoping they don't add the Smart Pistol as a playable weapon in the game, though.

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