The age of Seer is over. The time of the Bangalore has come!
So far in Year 3 Championship of the Apex Legends Global Series, one Legend has been conspicuously absent while three others have dominated the field. Bangalore, Catalyst, and Horizon have established themselves as the most popular Legends by pick rate after a couple days into the ALGS Champs. This new meta is dramatically different from the 2023 Split 2 Playoffs, which overwhelmingly featured Seer as the dominant Legend.
ALGS Year 3 Champs pick rate after group matches
According to Apex Legends Status, the most popular pro composition consists of Bangalore, Catalyst, and Horizon with this team at 40.97% of the pick rate at ALGS Champs. The second most popular composition (8.75%) features Bangalore, Bloodhound, and Horizon. These popular teams show how established Bangalore has become in this controller focused meta.
The next three most popular team compositions are Catalyst, Fuse, and Horizon (6.81%), Bangalore, Bloodhound, and Catalyst (6.67%) and Bangalore, Catalyst, and Gibraltar (5%).

Individually, Catalyst has a 77% pick rate and Bangalore has a 75% pick rate. Other deep cut Legends appear in this new meta like Fuse (9.45%), Gibraltar (5%), and best Legend Wattson (9.59%).
For comparison, Seer had around a 61.42% pick rate during the ALGS 2023 Split 2 Playoffs while the most popular team composition was Catalyst, Horizon, and Seer. For more information on the former Seer meta, check out our article on pick rates for the last ALGS.
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How do pro pick rates compare to overall pick rates?
The most popular Legend in Apex Legends right now is Revenant, who sits at a pick rate of 9.5%. The ol’ murder bot is just above Octane at 9.4% and less murderous bot Pathfinder at 8.6%. Pro meta Legends These numbers show how different the pro meta is from the overall player meta, as most average players have more fun with movement Legends.
Will this meta hold in ALGS?
It seems likely that this meta will hold strong throughout the entirety of ALGS. This will be especially spicy as the Digital Threat optics enter the Crafter later in the Championship. These optics, usually called digi threat or just digi by casters and players, allow players to see other players through Bangalore smoke and disables some aim assist for controller players.

This new meta has been more diverse and interesting to watch when compared to the Seer meta. Now that the meta is focused on two Legends, some more interesting choices can be made. Many teams can try to compliment their composition or choose a comfort pick like Horizon. Either way, it makes for a more diverse field where Legends like Loba, Caustic, and Crypto can see some action and have their own steady pick rates in ALGS Champs.
For more information on the ALGS Year 3 Championship, check out our coverage here! For more esports news, check back on!