Pokémon GO Scroll Cup (Great League Edition): Best team to use

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Get your team ready for the Pokémon GO Scroll Cup: Great League Edition.

The Color Cup is back in Pokémon GO PvP until March 25. The Scroll Cup is back in the Great League Edition, meaning that Pokémon cannot be higher than 1500 CP with additional restrictions on top. That means that your usual Great League team will not apply.

The Pokémon GO Scroll Cup is only for Water, Fighting and Dark-type Pokémon. Only Pokémon that have any of those three types are eligible. As per normal Great League rules, these Pokémon must be 1500 CP or below. In addition, Primarina is also not allowed.

So, what are some of the best Pokémon you can use to rack up victories in the Pokémon GO Scroll Cup: Great League Edition.

What is the best team for the Pokémon GO Scroll Cup: Great League Edition?

It's hard to always say there is a one size fits all best team for any single Pokémon GO PvP Cup or League. After all, Pokémon GO PvP is all about counters, specific movesets and thinking outside the box to get one up on your opponent. So bear that in mind.

However, statistically one of the best teams for the Pokémon GO Scroll Cup: Great League Edition is Toxapex, Gastrodon and Sableye.

This team gives you a good range of type coverage, with these Pokémon having a range of moves in a range of categories. In addition, only one of these Pokémon need XL candy in order to reach the top end of the 1500 CP limit. That means that you don't need spend a lot of resources for what is a temporary cup.

Pokémon GO Scroll Cup: Great League Edition: Good Pokémon to use

If you want to try something a bit different, here are all of the best Pokémon that fare very well in the Scroll Cup: Great League Edition:

Poison Jab, Brine, Sludge Wave
Mud Slap, Body Slam, Earth Power
Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam
Thunder Shock, Aura Wheel, Psychic Fangs
Air Slash, Foul Play, Aerial Ace
Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant, Superpower
Annihilape (Shadow)
Counter, Rage Fist, Ice Punch
Sableye (Shadow)
Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam
Bubble, Ice Beam, Play Rough
Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw, Sludge Bomb
Counter, Rage Fist, Close Combat
Spark, Surf, Thunderbolt
Quagsire (Shadow)
Mud Shot, Aqua Tail, Stone Edge
Dragon Tail, Close Combat, Dragon Claw
Hex, Surf, Shadow Ball

Scroll Cup: Great League Edition meta overview

There are a lot of easily accessible Pokémon that are very good to use in the Scroll Cup: Great League edition. Toxapex evolves from Mareanie, which is a common spawn. Shadow Quagsire is easy to get from Team GO Rocket Grunts and Shellos spawns worldwide, letting you get Gastrodon easily.

Be warned that while several Shadow Pokémon are all very useful in the Scroll Cup: Great League Edition, Shadow Pokémon are more expensive to power up, and much harder to get optimised IV values for. For a temporary PvP Cup, it might not be worth the investment.

However, using any of those Pokémon will stand you in good stead for your battles in the Scroll Cup: Great League Edition. Good luck out there Trainers!

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