Take on the Team GO Rocket Grunts with our guide.
Team GO Rocket grunts are everywhere in Pokémon GO. Any time you see a Black coloured Pokéstop or a ominous Hot Air Balloon flying above chances are there is a Team GO Rocket Grunt, or a Team GO Leader, contained within.
Each of the Team GO Rocket Grunts has a different lineup. You can work out which sort of Pokémon you are about to face based on the taunt each Grunt uses. Here are all the taunts, with the corresponding Pokémon that that Grunt can have as well as the counters to use for each.
All esports.gg Team GO Rocket guides:
Are you scared of Psychics that use unseen power? - Psychic-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Gothita | Wobbuffet | Gallade |
Solosis | Gothorita | Metagross |
- | Duosion | Reuniclus |
The best counter for the Psychic-type Rocket Grunt will be a good Dark or Ghost-type Pokémon. Tyranitar is an excellent pick for this battle.
Battle against my Flying-type Pokémon! – Flying-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Pidgey | Gligar | Pidgeot |
Tailow | Swellow | Dragonite |
Zubat* | Zubat | Archeops |
Flying-type Pokémon are weak to Rock and Electric-types. That makes a Pokémon like Rhyperior, Raikou or Xurkitree good choices for this battle.
Check out my cute Pokémon! – Fairy-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Mawile | Kirlia | Alolan Ninetails |
Alolan Vulpix | Snubbull | Gardevoir |
Snubbull | Granbull | Granbull |
To take down the Fairy-type Team GO Rocket Grunt, you'll want Poison or Steel-type Pokémon. Nihilego, Roserade, Metagross or Melmetal are good choices.
Coiled and ready to strike! – Poison-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Trubbish | Nidorina | Toxicroak |
Croagunk | Nidorino | Weezing |
Koffing | - | Amoonguss |
The Pokémon that the Poison-type Team GO Rocket Grunt are weak to Ground and Psychic-types. Groudon, Therian Landorus or Mewtwo are your top choices here.
Don’t tangle with us! – Grass-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Snover | Servine | Cacturne |
Hoppip | Ferrothorn | Vileplume |
Snivy | Lileep | Serperior |
Grass-type Pokémon are weak to Fire-types. A Charizard, Heatran or Reshiram will tear through this battle in no time at all.

Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get? – Fire-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Darumaka | Houndoom | Houndoom |
Tepig | Pignite | Darmanitan |
Vulpix | Ninetails | Emboar |
Of course, the main weakness for the Pokémon that the Fire-type Team GO Rocket Grunt will use is Water-types. A Kyogre, Swampert or a Greninja is a great pick here.
Get ready to be shocked! – Electric-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Magnemite | Alolan Geodude | Galvantula |
Blitzle | Voltorb | Ampharos |
Joltik | Electabuzz | Luxray |
Electric-type Pokémon are weak to Ground-type Pokémon. The absolute best Pokémon to use here is Garchomp. With a 3x Resistance to Electric-type attacks, using Garchomp makes this Grunt battle about as easy as possible.
Go, my super bug Pokémon! – Bug-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Scyther | Anorith | Scizor |
Caterpie | Karrablast | Forretress |
Venipede | Shelmet | Beedrill |
You'll want a Fire-type Pokémon to take on this GO Rocket Grunt battle. But, to take down Shuckle, a Water or Rock-type Pokémon will be a must pick.
Ke…ke…ke…ke…ke…ke! – Ghost-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Gastly | Dusclops | Froslass |
Duskull | Haunter | Gengar |
Golett | Golett | Alolan Marowak* |
Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to other Ghost-type Pokémon and Dark-type Pokémon. That makes good Dark-types like Tyranitar, Hydreigon and Darkrai good options here.
Let’s rock and roll! – Rock-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Tirtouga | Shieldon | Golem |
Archen | Cranidos | Carracosta |
Roggenrola | Graveler | Archeops |
To take on the Rock-type GO Rocket Grunt you'll want either a Water or Fighting-type team of Pokémon. A Lucario, Terrakion or Kyogre are all top picks for this encounter.
Normal doesn’t mean weak. – Normal-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Bunnelby | Rattata | Ursaring |
Bidoof | Meowth | Exploud |
Stantler | Purugly | Raticate |
A good Fighting-type Pokémon is your friend to take on this Rocket Grunt. Machamp, Lucario or even a Terrakion will serve you well. Conkeldurr is also a strong option, after the Timburr Community Day.
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ROAR! … How’d that sound? – Dragon-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Dratini | Dragonair | Salamence |
Gible | Gabite | Dragonite |
Bagon | Alolan Exeggutor | Garchomp |
Ice or Fairy-type Pokémon will make light work of the Dragon-type Team GO Rocket Grunt's lineup. Pokémon like Mamoswine, Glaceon, Gardevoir, Togekiss and Tapu Lele will be strong choices.

These waters are treacherous – Water-type Team GO Rocket Grunts
Female Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Oshawott | Cloyster | Carracosta |
Barboach | Seadra | Whiscash |
Horsea | Dewott | Samurott |
Male Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Magikarp | Magikarp | Magikarp |
- | - | Gyarados |
For either of these Grunt battles, a Grass-type Pokémon will serve you well. Kartana is an exceptional choice, but other strong options include Sceptile and Roserade.
This buff physique isn’t just for show! – Fighting-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Timburr | Gurdurr | Conkeldurr |
Mankey | Hitmonlee | Toxicroak |
Machop | Hitmonchan | Infernape |
To take down the Fighting-type Team GO Rocket Grunt, Psychic, Fairy and Flying-type Pokémon are your best choice. Mewtwo, Lunala, Togekiss and Yveltal will be good choices. Any Rayquaza with Dragon Ascent is also a good counter.
You’ll be defeated into the ground! – Ground-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Rhyhorn | Rhyhorn | Whishcash |
Wooper | Donphan | Flygon |
Drilbur | Vibrava | Torterra |
For the Ground-type grunt, a good Water-type Pokémon will run through the first two slots. However, Quagsire will need a Grass-type Pokémon and Torterra will need an Ice-type to be taken down.
You’re no match for my iron will! – Steel-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Ferroseed | Lairon | Alolan Sandslash |
Alolan Diglett | Metang | Scizor |
Alolan Sandshrew | Skarmory | Aggron |
Steel-type Pokémon are weak to Fire-types, which makes Pokémon like Reshiram, Entei, Darmanitan and Heatran good options to fight this Grunt. You'll need a Ground or Electric-type to fight Empoleon easily though.
You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks. – Ice-type Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Alolan Sandshrew | Froslass | Glalie |
Sneasel | Alolan Ninetales | Froslass |
Spheal | Sealeo | Abomasnow |
Ice-type Pokémon have several weaknesses. Kyogre, Swampert, Blaziken, Metagross or Kartana will all be good options to take on this GO Rocket Grunt.

Wherever there is light, there is also shadow. – Dark-type Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Cacnea | Alolan Muk | Alolan Muk |
Stunky | Alolan Raticate | Skuntank |
Alolan Rattata | - | - |
Dark-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting and Fairy-type Pokémon. Sylveon, Togekiss, Lucario and Terrakion are good choices. However, Alolan Muk is a Poison and Dark-type, giving is a single weakness to Ground-types. Use a Groudon, Therian Landorus or a Garchomp for this Pokémon.
Winning is for winners! – Mixed Team GO Rocket Grunts
Female Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Snorlax | Snorlax | Snorlax |
- | Poliwrath | Gyrados |
- | Gardevoir | Dragonite |
The Female Winning is for Winners Team GO Rocket Grunt is one of the hardest to beat. Shadow Snorlax is a tank of a Pokémon. Snorlax is weak to Fighting-type Pokémon, so bring a Machamp, Lucario or a Terrakion. A Metagross will also be okay against Snorlax, but also counters Gardevoir.
You might have to see what team this GO Rocket Grunt has before you can take it on.
Male Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Shivy | Servine | Serperior |
Tepig | Pignite | Emboar |
Oshawott | Dewott | Samurott |
The Male Grunt is easier, the counter for the Grass, Fire or Water-type team that this GO Rocket Grunt can have is simple. For Grass, use Fire. For Fire, use Water. Finally, for Water, use Grass.
Fooled ya, twerp. – Decoy Team GO Rocket Grunt
Slot #1 | Slot #2 | Slot #3 |
Bellsprout | Raticate | Raticate |
- | Weepinbell | Snorlax |
- | - | - |
Fire and Fighting Pokémon will work well against this Grunt.
That is all of the current teams that Team GO Rocket Grunts can have in Pokémon GO as of January 2025. Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest esports news and more Pokémon guides.