Here is how to get Shroodle in Pokémon GO.
With the latest Team GO Rocket takeover of Fashion Week, we are getting a brand new Pokémon debuting into the game. Once the event starts at midnight local time you will be able to get your hands on Shroodle, and its evolution Grafaiai in Pokémon GO.
Here is everything you need to know on how you can get your hands on Shroodle, how to evolve it into Garafaiai and more.
How to get Shroodle in Pokémon GO
Once the Team GO Rocket Takeover of Fashion Week begins in Pokémon GO, Shroodle will enter the 12 km Egg pool. This will only apply to 12 km Eggs that are obtained after the start of the event. Existing Eggs that you already have in your storage will not contain Shroodle.
That means in order to get your hands on Shroodle, you will need to successfully obtain and hatch a 12 km Egg. There are a few other Pokémon in the Egg Pool, so there will be some luck involved.
Thankfully, Shroodle is a Tier 1 encounter in 12 km Eggs.

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How to get 12 km Eggs in Pokémon GO
12 km Eggs in Pokémon GO are the hardest to obtain and to hatch. As a result, they award the most XP, the most Stardust and have rare Pokémon inside.
When you beat one of these Team GO Rocket leaders, you will only get a 12 km Egg if you have space in your storage. Thankfully, unlike 10 km, 5 km or 2 km Eggs in Pokémon GO, 12 km Eggs can occupy any of your three bonus storage slots. Make sure you have a space before taking on any of these leaders if you want a 12 km Egg.
So, in order to get a chance at hatching Shroodle in Pokémon GO, you will need to battle a lot of Team GO Rocket Grunts and leaders.
Can Shroodle be shiny in Pokémon GO?
Sadly, at this moment in time, the Shroodle you hatch cannot be shiny.
How to get Grafaiai in Pokémon GO?
In order to get Grafaiai in Pokémon GO you will first need to hatch Shroodle. Then, using 50 candy will allow you to evolve Shroodle to Grafaiai in the game.
To get the candy, you will need to either hatch multiple Shroodle or use Rare Candy. You get between 16 to 32 candy per 12 km Egg hatch in Pokémon GO.
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