Here’s everything you need to know about ranked mode in Star Wars: Hunters.
Like many other games out there, Star Wars: Hunters has its own ranked mode - a competitive mode where players collect wins to earn better rankings and stand among the best players in the world. But how exactly does the Star Wars: Hunters ranked mode work?
Star Wars: Hunters ranking system
In ranked mode, players compete with each other to climb a set of ranks. The ranking system are divided into Leagues and the smaller Divisions. To climb into a higher League, players must make it through three levels of Divisions - Division III, II, and I.

Here are the Leagues and Divisions from lowest to highest:
League Divisions | Bronzium Division III Division II Division I | Chromium Division III Division II Division I | Aurodium Division III Division II Division I | Beskar Division III Division II Division I | Kyber Division III Division II Division I |
With this ranking system, the lowest ranked players would be on Bronzium Division III meanwhile the highest-ranked players will hold the Kyber Division I rank. The top 100 players will be shown in the Arena itself!
How to earn rank points in Star Wars: Hunters?
To climb to a higher Division and League, players must earn rank points. You will get rank points by winning ranked matches. But if you lose them, you will also lose some rank points. Fortunately, you still can get extra rank points by showing a great individual performance.

If you gain enough rank points, you will be promoted to the next Division or League. But with tons of rank losses, you also run the risk of demotion.
The amount of rank points you win or lose with every match depends on your current League and Division. The higher you go, the harder it will be to rank up.
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What are the ranked mode rewards?

With every ranked season, Star Wars: Hunters also presents a new lineup of rewards. Click on the Season Rewards tab to see what you can unlock with every Division and League you climb.

By unlocking the first rank medal, Bronzium Division III, you can get a bronze Mandalorian avatar. The next rewards include in-game currencies like credits, crystals, and exclusive cosmetics! Any unclaimed rewards will automatically go into your inventory once the season ends.
Here are some of the best rewards from the ranked mode in Star Wars: Hunters:
- Epic "Grand Master" costume for J-3DI // Unlocks by reaching Aurodium Division I
- Legendary "Aurodium Champion" golden weapon wrap for Imara Vex // Unlocks by reaching Beskar Division I
- Legendary "Aurodium Conquerer" costume for Imara Vex // Unlocks by reaching Kyber Division I
Check out all the ranked rewards for season 1 here!
When does the ranked season reset in Star Wars: Hunters?
The ranked mode in Star Wars: Hunters has a seasonal approach which means after a certain period, the ranks reset and a new set of rewards arrive. The first season will last 57 total days - ending on June 30th. The new ranked mode season will begin on August 1st. You can see the ranked season duration in the Ranked tab.
When a new season approaches, players who participated in the previous ranked season can be directly seeded into the higher Leagues, depending on their former highest rank. So don't worry about losing your ranked progress!
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