Here are our recommendations for strong yet easy-to-use Mid Lane Heroes in Honor of Kings (HoK) that are perfect for beginners.

Honor of Kings (HoK), like other MOBA games, features playable heroes classified based on their role. One of these positions is the Mid Lane which are mostly dominated by Mages.

While majority of HoK's Mid Laners are magic damage dealers, they all classified into categories based on their playstyles: Artillery Mage, Formation Mage, Ambush Mage, Control Mage, and Crowd Control Mage.

Now, these are 5 HoK Mid Lane Heroes that are recommended for beginners.

1. Angela

Angela from Honor of Kings (via
Angela from Honor of Kings (via

1. Flame Incantation (Passive): Skills increase Movement Speed and damage when they hit enemies.

2. Scorching Barrage (Skill 1): Unleashes multiple fireballs, dealing multi-phase damage.

3. Chaos Cinder (Skill 2): Fires a massive fireball in the target direction, dealing damage and inflicting stun and slow.

4. Blazing Brilliance (Ultimate): Channels a blazing beam in the target direction, dealing damage over time. Also gains a shield and immunity.

Author's Note: To master Angela, you need to practice hitting your Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Ultimate combos swiftly to deal a massive burst damage.

Angela is one of HOK's easiest Hero, as she is the Mid Lane Hero recommended during the tutorial phase. Her skill sets consists of a crowd control on her Skill 2, while her Ultimate gives immunity and shield.

As an Artillery Mage, Angela can farms easily because her skills are all AoE and have a relatively low cooldown. To kill other Heroes, you just have to make sure you hit all of her combos, Skill 2 + Skill 1 + Ultimate, swiftly.

It is recommended to use Angela's Ultimate not only to deal damage but also to survive fatal damage. Since her cooldown is relatively low, don't hesitate to use your Ultimate to protect yourself.

2. Princess Frost

Princess Frost from Honor of Kings (via
Princess Frost from Honor of Kings (via

1. Frozen Heart (Passive): Upon leaving combat, gains a shield that chills the attacker when taking damage. When the shield disappears, deals damage to nearby enemies. Every third Basic Attack is enhanced inflicting extra damage and chill effects.

2. Shattered Ice (Skill 1): Damages and slows enemies in the target area while granting vision of them.

3. Frigid Prison (Skill 2): After a brief delay, freezes enemies in the target area and slows them. Attacks on frozen targets deal extra damage.

4. Winter is Here (Ultimate): Continuously inflicts damage and slows on enemies in the target area.

Author's Note: The key of playing Princess Frost is freezing your enemies using Skill 2. Combine your Skill 1 and Ultimate to make it easier to hit your Skill 2.

Princess Frost is one of the best Crowd Control Mage in HOK. All of her skills deal slowing effects, and her Skill 2 can freeze enemies with a long duration.

Princess Frost's combos are quite simple. Use your Skill 1 and/or Ultimate to slow your enemies, so you can easily land your Skill 2 and freeze them.

However, aside from her passive that gives her a small amount shield, she has low mobility and survivability, making her an easy target to enemy's assassins. Make sure you always position yourself at a safe place during teamfights and have your Roamer protect you.

3. Milady

Milady from Honor of Kings (via
Milady from Honor of Kings (via

1. Mechanical Minions (Passive): Summons a mechanical minion whenever an enemy unit is defeated. Mechanical minions will explode at the end of their lifespan, dealing area damage to nearby enemies.

2. Air Superiority (Skill 1): Commands her aircraft to move in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies in its path. Using the skill again splits the aircraft in two, dealing damage and inflicting slow.

3. Forced Invasion (Skill 2): Summons mechanical minions in the target area, dealing area damage before automatically attacking nearby enemies.

4. Chaos Field (Ultimate): Marks a target enemy or structure, damaging them over time. Non-structures are also stunned and slowed. Enhances mechanical minions near the marked enemy or structure. Marks explode upon expiry, dealing damage proportional to the damage taken while marked.

Author's Note: Milady is an easy Mid Lane Hero that doesn't need much aiming skill. Use her Skill 2 to summon robots that attack enemies and turrets, while also protecting her from enemies' skill shots. Additionally, she is a good split pusher that can destroy enemy turret without having to wait for minions wave.

If you are still relatively new in HOK, we recommend Milady for an easy yet impactful Mid Lane Hero. Unlike majority of Heroes in the game, Milady doesn't necessarily need to aim her skills to deal damage. Her Skill 2 summons small robots that can chase nearby enemies, while her Ultimate has an on-hit stun effect.

The main selling point of Milady is her robots. Not only deal explosion damage, but they also protect Milady from nearby skill shots, for example, Cai Yan's Skill 2 and Marco Polo's Skill 1.

Her most common combos Ultimate + Skill 2 + Skill 1. Ultimate will mark the enemy and make nearby robots enhanced, dealing more damage. However, keep in mind that Milady's Ultimate can only target one enemy, so choose your target wisely.

Another way to play Milady is to split push and destroy enemy turrets. In the mid-late game, you can solo enemy's turret even without minions wave coming to tank the turret for you.

Use your Skill 2 to summon your robots to make the turret target the robots instead of Milady. Then, mark the turret using Ultimate to make the robots and deal massive damage.

4. Xiao Qiao

Xiao Qiao from Honor of Kings (via
Xiao Qiao from Honor of Kings (via

1. Encouraging Thoughts (Passive): Becomes enhanced when skills hit, gaining Movement Speed while enhanced.

2. Blossoming Fan (Skill 1): Throws fan in the target direction, which returns to her upon reaching max range, damaging enemies in its path both ways.

3. Honeysweet Breeze (Skill 2): Deals damage to enemies in the target area and launches them.

4. Meteor Storm (Ultimate): Summons meteors, dealing damage to nearby enemies in range.

Author's Note: Xiao Qiao is a very simple and direct Mid Laner with one of the shortest skill descriptions in the game. Knock your enemies using Skill 2, and then follow up with Skill 1 and Ultimate.

All of Xiao Qiao's abilities are very simple and easy to understand if compared to other Heroes with longer skill descriptions. You just need a few seconds to read all of her skills and try it firsthand on the game.

Her gameplay is similar to Angela, who has bonus movement speed on hitting her skills, and relying on accurately hit her combos: Skill 2 + Skill 1. Moreover, Skill 1 is very useful to swiftly clear minion waves.

Her Ultimate is very useful during teamfights because it can cover large areas. Combine it with her bonus movement speed to kite around enemies during teamfight.

5. Liang

Liang from Honor of Kings (via
Liang from Honor of Kings (via

1. Power Word - Trance (Passive): Every second hit on the same target within a short time will deal an extra strike of damage.

2. Power Word - Barrier (Skill 1): Summons 4 barriers that shatter when touched by an enemy, inflicting damage, stun, and slow. Damage and slowing effects are reduced for enemies that touch multiple barriers.

3. Power Word - Fate (Skill 2): Summons a magic circle that deals damage to enemies within range while granting vision of the area. Liang gains Movement Speed while inside his magic circle.

4. Power Word - Control (Ultimate): Suppresses an enemy hero, dealing damage over time. When the suppression is complete, deals damage and stun enemies in range.

Author's Note: Liang is a Mage that can be used as Mid Laner and Roamer. He has a powerful Ultimate that can suppress enemy Hero, an uncancellable CC that makes enemy immobile for a long duration.

Liang is currently one of HOK's best Crowd Control Mage with two hard CCs on his Skill 1 and Ultimate. His Ultimate especially, has a suppression effect, the strongest type of CC that can't be canceled with any item, spell, or skill. Additionally, his Skill 1 summons walls that slow and stun enemies that hit them.

Liang is also a multi-role Hero who can be used as a mid laner and Roamer. Similar to Milady, Liang is also a Mid Laner who doesn't need aiming skills to master. His Skill 2 will automatically hit nearby enemies, while his Ultimate is an on-hit skills that automatically aim at an enemy Hero.

Angela and Princess Frost are considered as S-rank Mid Lane Heroes during the season. Stay tuned on for more HoK Heroes recommendations, guides, news, and more!