OG Fortnite has returned, and with it are Patch Notes and weekly updates. Here are all the Patch Notes we will see in the next month.
The OG Fortnite update is officially here. Players can officially drop into some of their favorite locations from the past and fight with some of their favorite weapons from Chapter 1. The entirety of the season will only last around a month, but Fortnite plans to include half of Chapter 1 within that time frame. Patch Notes are back, and the game is about to receive weekly updates for the OG Fortnite update.
Here is every Patch Note and what they will include in OG Fortnite.
Patch Notes in OG Fortnite bring players back to the past
Each week or two, Fortnite will surround the gameplay with a specific season from Chapter 1. Yes, that means that each week we will be seeing different locations and weapons in the game.
Not only does this give players a chance to re-live their favorite moments from Chapter 1, but this also resembles how Epic Games used to release weekly updates, constantly adding in new locations and weapons within the game.
Here is every set of Patch Notes to release in OG Fortnite.
v27.00 - Season 5: The Return of Tilted, Greasy, and Risky

The first update (Patch Notes v27.00) will bring players back to the days of Chapter 1, Season 5. Some of the most historic POIs will return to the game. Fans of Tilted Towers, Greasy Grove and Risky Reels will be quite excited to hear their favorite locations are back on the map. Not only that, but some legendary weapons will also be back.
This patch will feature guns such as the Assault Rifle, Pump Shotgun and the Hunting Rifle. Alongside these weapons are items such as the Trap, Grappler and Boogie Bomb.

Even the Shopping Cart and All Terrain Kart (ATK) will be back in the game, making for one crazy nostalgic experience.
v27.00 Nov 9 Hotfix - Season 6: Darkness Rises in Loot Lake

The second update (v27.00 Nov 9 Hotfix) will bring players back to Chapter 1, Season 6. This was the season with Kevin the Cube, as he moved around the map. Now, Fortnite is bringing this dark era back with some historic locations and weapons.
During this update, players will be able to drive around on Quadcrashers and set up and shoot from Mounted Turrets. Also, the Six Shooter and Double Barrel Shotgun will be back in action.

What's most exciting though, is that trickshots can now return with the infamous Driftboard, a legendary snowboard that players could shred across the map on.
Other items returning during this update are the Clingers, Chiller Traps and Port-a-Fortresses.
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v27.10 Nov 16 Hotfix - Seasons 7 & 8: Of Chill and Treasure

The following update to the v27.00 Nov 9 Hotfix will be the v27.10 Nov 16 Hotfix. This update will not only feature one but two Fortnite seasons. Seasons 7 and 8 of Chapter 1 will be combined, giving players a jam-packed week of nostalgic action.
This update will bring back the famous Frosty Flights while scattering Pirate Camps throughout the island.
Some weapons returning during this Hotfix are the Quadlauncher, Flint-Knock Pistol and the Minigun. Not only will these weapons be returning, but items such as the Poison Dart Trap and the Itemized Glider Redeploy will also be back on the island.

The one popular vehicle to return this update is the X-4 Stormwing, a vehicle that has never been in the game since it was vaulted.
v27.11 Nov 23 Hotfix - Seasons 9 & X: Blast Off!

The finale of OG Fortnite will end with Patch Notes v27.11 Nov 23 Hotfix. This final week of OG Fortnite will consist of a combination of Season 9 and X, the infamous season that ended with a black hole. Chapter 1, Season 9 was a huge success at the time, due to its futuristic addition to the game, while Season X was even more revolutionary for the game.
Now, with both seasons returning, we will see the Heavy Sniper Rifle, Proximity Grenade
Launcher, Air Strike and Junk Rift make their way back to Fortnite.
Other notable items returning during this update are the Storm Flip and Jetpack.

But probably the most notable piece of equipment to return during this update is the Baller. Ballers were a great and fun way to fling around the map. Having them back will have gamers begging Fortnite to keep them in the game forever.
OG Fortnite is here! So... where are you droppin'?
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Fortnite and esports news.