All weekly quests in OG Forntite

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

Here is a list of every weekly quest releasing during OG Fortnite.

The time has come. OG Fortnite is officially here, and while the game is giving us multiple updates, they are also giving us weekly quests to indulge in. These quests will cater to whatever historical season the map will be in, and every reward will do the same.

Here are all the weekly quests in OG Fortnite.

OG Fortnite: All weekly quests

Weekly quests were something we saw every week back during Chapter 1. Now, we usually only have seasonal OR themed quests. Fortnite has outdone itself once again though, and these new weekly quests are looking to be a blast for players.

Here is every week in OF Fortnite and a list of its weekly quests.

OG Fortnite: Week 1 weekly quests

  • Keep your distance... or don't.
    • Damage opponents with Pistols or Sniper Rifles.
  • It's like it was never destroyed by a cataclysmic event!
    • Discover named locations.
  • You're in it to win it.
    • Deal damage to opponents.
  • Find some fun.
    • Search chests.
  • Keep yourself safe.
    • Gain shields.

OG Fortnite: Week 2 weekly quests

  • Mind your manners.
    • Thank the bus driver.
  • Grab a cart 'n go!
    • Travel distance in vehicles.
  • Take 'em out.
    • Eliminate enemy players.
  • Regain something cool.
    • Regain health or shields by consuming produce.
  • Find something special.
    • Collect weapons of Rare or greater rarity.

OG Fortnite: Week 3 weekly quests

  • Share some shells.
    • Damage opponents with Shotguns.
  • An umbrella won't cut it.
    • Survive Storm Circles.
  • Get low and look cool doing it.
    • Travel distance while sliding or crouched.
  • Keep your friends close and your enemies far away.
    • Damage opponents from 30 meters or more.
  • Keep yourself healthy.
    • Restore health.
  • Do some high-efficiency smashing.
    • Hit Weak Points.

OG Fortnite: Week 4 weekly quests

  • AR you ready to rumble?
    • Deal damage with Assault Rifles.
  • You can do this.
    • Outlast opponents.
  • Pick your path.
    • Travel distance at night/Travel distance with pickaxe equipped.
  • Up close and personal.
    • Damage opponents from 15 meters or less.
  • Gear up, fast.
    • Search a chest or ammo box within 45 seconds of landing in different matches.
  • If you want to go far, you'll need this.
    • Collect ammo.
Image via Fortnite.
Image via Fortnite.

Good luck completing these quests, and have fun playing OG Fortnite!

Stay tuned to for more Fortnite and esports news.