Skip the token grind to uncover the Crownfall Act 1 story.
Dota 2's crownfall update brought new life back into the game. The update brought a massive map for players to earn tokens and explore the Crownfall Story. The first Act, called the Markets of Midgate has s a ton of encounters and story. Not to mention some paywall content. However fret not. Sit back and relax, as we've recapped the entire Markets of Midgate story for you Crownfall Lore enthusiasts.

Crownfall lore - The Road to Midgate
Following the conclusion of the Ascension day comic, the trio of Shendelzare (Vengeful Spirit), Dragonus (Skywrath Mage) and Scree' Auk start making their way to the Market of Midgate in search of allies to help take down Imperia.
Chapter 1
Shendelzare, Dragonous and Scree'Auk head to the Midgate Market in search of a way to take down Imperia. Scree'Auk explains that the best way to take down Imperia is with allying with the Flightless.

Chapter 2
Dragonous has his doubts about asking the aid from the Flightless. However, Scree'Auk explains that the Flightless have been amassing an army to usurp Imperia called the Kazurai.

Chapter 3
The leader of the Kazurai is missing thanks to Imperia. Not to mention the mass amount of convincing to help them in taking the throne.

Chapter 4
Imperia fears the Kazurai, and has planted spies all throughout the city to find the leader.

Chapter 5
Although the three don't know where the Kazurai really are, Scree'Auk knows someone who just might.

Dolfrat the Token Trader
As soon as you reach the end of the Road to Midgate section, you'll have a three choices. To the left is Dolfrat the Token Trader. This NPC allows you to trade either three of the same token or four of any token for a specific token of your choice. Dolfrat comes in clutch when you are just missing that one token to progress.

The Candyworks Caravan
As you make your way towards the next quest, you'll pass the Crownfall Candyworks Caravan. This NPC allows you to earn a ton of cosmetic sets as you play through the Crownfall campaign. The Caravan trades specific candy combinations for sets of all rarities. And yes, even Arcanas. Every week you can earn up to 10 rerolls of the Caravan by winning matches.

Crownfall lore Main Quest - The Market
Chapter 1
The group try to meet with Bakeet the Meat merchant, but are met with some resistance.

Chapter 2
Bakeet the merchant has a hard time believing that the powerless Scree'Auk is the famed god. So, in true investigative fashion, Bakeet asks Scree'Auk to do a trick.

Chapter 3
Scree'Auk gets a door slammed in her face multiple times. Not to mention Shen and Dragonus explaining who they are, which made the situation even worse.

Chapter 4
Shen explains that despite her looks, and what Imperia has put the Flightless through, Shen hates her more.

Chapter 5
Bakeet has a moment of sympathy, and decides to lend the trio a hand. However, not without something to benefit the merchant. So, he asks them to bring back some Fish meat that he can sell in exchange for info.

Chapter 6
After handing over the fish to Bakeet, he agrees to tell the group where the Kazurai are holding up. However, he also warns them that the Queensguard are vigilant and on alert, looking for the Kazurai as well.

The Snake Charmer
Right after you finish the Markets of Midgate quest, you'll reach an NPC called the Snake Charmer. This character will give you a daily Slithering Tokens after you play a Dota 2 match or two.

Crownfall's Side Quest - Lost and Found
The Lost and found side quest is an optional detour that is available right after the Market Questline is completed. The lore filled Crownfall Side quest follows the story of Juggernaut joining the group in search of the Kazurai leader, who's rumored to be an excellent swordsman.
Chapter 1
The group runs into Juggernaut. To his surprise, Scree'Auk knows his true name.

Chapter 2
Juggernaut explains that there's a great swordsman that is a leader of a secret army. That it could potentially be another from the Isle of Masks, just like Juggernaut.

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Chapter 3
Dragonus tries to tell Juggernaut that it's false hope that Scree'Auk is giving him. That the leader of the Kazurai could potentially be from the Isle of Masks. But Scree'Auk silences Dragonus as Juggernaut would make a great ally.

Chapter 4
Scree'Auk tells Juggernaut that the Temple of Avillivia followers kidnapped his "brother" and they mean to sacrifice him. And so, Juggernaut bravely heads into the temple to save his bother. Dragonus is quick to point out that Avilliva is just the main rival for worshipers of Scree'Auk.

Chapter 5
Scree'Auk comes clean to Juggernaut. In Jugg's disappointment, Scree' Auk gives him a bit of hope in a secret message. That there maybe one like him that remains.

Chapter 6
Filled with hope Juggernaut parts ways with the group to find his sister.

The Candlemaker's shop & Ripples In the Dark
As you complete the Lost and Found sidequest in the Crownfall map, you'll come across the Ripples in the Dark and Candlemaker's shop. These two encounters are set up for the next section of the map, and are currently unavailable. At least until the Act 2 update is released.
Crownfall's Divided They Fall & The Missing Smith Side Quests
There are two optional side quests that are available on the Crownfall lore filled Map. However, they are locked behind a paywall. Both sidequest are unlocked by purchasing the Midgate Pathfinder Pack. However if you collect ten Crownfall coins, you can get a discount, so you won't need to pay full price. Both quests come with tons of rewards which include a Riki Immortal Dagger and some Crownfall Treasures.
Crownfall Main Quest - The Kazurai
The main quest to find the Kazurai continues, as Shendelzare, Dragonus and Scree'Auk head to the temple.
Chapter 1
The group of Shendelzare, Dragonous and Scree'Auk search for the two leaders of the Kazurai: Krestrel and Kraw.

Chapter 2
A little bit of a lore drop about Kestel and Kraw, and how they became the leaders of the Kazurai.

Chapter 3
Scree'Auk explains that the leaders of the Kazurai are training a secret army to usurp Imperia. Although at first it seems like the Kazurai's goals align with Shen and Dragonus' the Kazurai , that's not the case. They want to demolish the highborn rule and give equal rights to the flightless.

Chapter 4
The group find the Temple of the Kazurai, and before entering, they meet Gondar the Bounty Hunter.

Chapter 5
Unfortunately, the Queensguard found the Kazurai hideout several days ago and currently are swarming the temple. However, there's always a backdoor. Always.

Crownfall lore Main Quest - The Hidden Temple
Gondar the Bounty Hunter to shows them the backdoor into the temple. The search for Kazurai survivors continue.
Chapter 1
As the group continues into the back entrance to the temple, all Gondar can think about is the massive fee he's going to charge.

Chapter 2
As they enter the temple, they see bodies everywhere. But most appalling, is the fan favorite butcher, Pudge!

Chapter 3
After some intense questioning, the group finds out from Pudge that most of the escaped before the slaughter. But before telling more Pudge has a price.

Chapter 4
Thankfully, unlike Bounty Hunter, Pudge just wants the corpses all to himself. Which is the easiest deal that the group will come across. Pudge explains that one leader took half of the army South, to the Desert Wastes. While the other took the other half of the army North, to Icewrack.

Chapter 5
Scree' Auk suggests dividing and conquering. Shendelzare will head to Icewrack while Dragonus heads south to the Desert Wastes.

Crownfall's Markets of Midgate final comic
The Markets of Midgate storyline ends with Dragonous (Skywrath Mage) and Shendelzare (Vengeful Spirit) parting ways. Shendelzare, Dragonous, Pudge, Scree' Auk and Bakeet meet with Kunkka to set sail. Although Dragonous is bound to the city due to his role as a Queensguard, the rest set out on a journey to Icewrack (CM fans rejoice).

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