Which class should I play in Diablo 4?

Ant Stonelake

Ant Stonelake

Five options to take on your journey through Sanctuary.

Diablo 4 is here. The newest game in the franchise is already gripping fans but with many just starting, they are left pondering the question: Which class should I play in Diablo 4?

There are five classes to choose from in Diablo 4 and whilst they share some similarities, there are also distinct abilities that they all come with.

The five classes all offer different playstyles to players. Players can play methodical or smash and grab depending on which character you choose to be. So, which class shouId I play in Diablo 4?

A quick answer to that question is that it doesn't matter who you play but if you want a better idea of who you should pick, read on.

The Bruiser - Barbarian

The Barbarian class is one that has been around in Diablo since the beginning. Barbarians can jump around and throw things at enemies but it is limited to melee weapons only.

All the classes in Diablo 4 come in male and female bodytypes.
All the classes in Diablo 4 come in male and female bodytypes.

Barbarian is a tough class to use, with the need of being up close and personal with your enemies complicating combat. It becomes an issue especially when taking on the boss fights in the game. Some of which can end up being insanely difficult.

A buff from the beta has made the Barbarian class a little stronger and the high damage it is capable of makes it pretty strong in endgame situations. If you like to be in the mix and getting up close, it's the choice for you.

The Endgame - Druid

Blizzard themselves have stated that the Druid class is one of the most powerful when it comes to taking on endgame content in Diablo 4. It is absolutely one of the strongest classes.

The Druid can be one of the tankiest classes in Diablo 4.
The Druid can be one of the tankiest classes in Diablo 4.

It's the first time that the Druid class has been in Diablo since Diablo 2 and it can transform into several different beasts. Builds can transfigure the Druid into werewolves or bears. It's a difficult class to run from the start of the game but once you rattle through levels and get those all-important skill points, it becomes lethal.

If you like a bit more of a tanky-style or want to be prepared to breeze through the endgame, then the Druid is definitely the choice for you.

The Hunter - Rogue

The Rogue class is probably likely to end up as the least-picked of all of the classes in Diablo 4. This class is almost exclusively ranged attacks and struggles to mix it up between them. It's an amalgamation of the Assassin, Demon Hunter and original Rogue classes in Diablos gone by.

This class uses traps and poisons to take down enemies, so a strategic approach is needed if you want to find success with it.

It's a more tactical and thought-out approach, which varies from the other classes in the game. But you can still do big damage quickly if you use the right skills and weapons.

Rogue players can also go invisible for spells of time, meaning that you can stay alive for long times. If you're going to get yourself into a pinch, this might be the class for you.

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The Mage - Sorcerer

A historic pick in the Diablo franchise, the Sorcerer class is one that goes all the way back to the original game. This class has some of the coolest abilities in Diablo 4.

Sorcerer in Diablo 4.
Sorcerer in Diablo 4.

Most of the damage you can expect to do you with the Sorcerer class will be with powerful magic abilities. These can cause some big elemental damage. Things like fire, ice and lightning will come to your aid with various spells.

It is a fan-favorite class for a reason. If you like teleporting around the map and using powerful elemental damage then this class is the one for you.

The Witch - Necromancer

If you were to ask the question of if Necromancer was pretty much the same as Sorcerer in Diablo 4, the answer would be: Well yes, but actually no.

Instead of casting elemental magic, the Necromancer deals with blood and bone magic. You can explode corpses to deal massive damage with one of the skills in the Necromancer tree.

Necromancer is a super fun class to choose in Diablo 4.
Necromancer is a super fun class to choose in Diablo 4.

It's definitely the choice if you want to be able to take advantage of causing as much chaos as possible. Plus, you can raise armies from the dead, what's more to love?

Once you beat Diablo 4 once, the stat boosts that you gain from all of the Altars of Lilith will carry over to your next character. This means you can skip the campaign on follow-up playthroughs with new characters.

Each of them are fun and each of them offer different abilities and skill trees to explore. If you can't choose which one to be, then you'll have fun with pretty much any of them.

That's all for which class you should pick in Diablo 4. Be sure to check back here to see our updated full guides for each class in Diablo 4. Stay tuned to esports.gg for all the latest from Sanctuary.