What are penetration kills MW3 and how to get them

Harrison Thomas

Harrison Thomas

Make them think you’re cheating.

Penetration kills in MW3 are no easy task. You’ll have to set yourself up for success and stay consistent if you’re looking to rack up as many kills as possible.

Fear not, we have the penetration kills explanation for you. It’s already hard enough to get kills for some gamers (definitely not me), so penetration kills can be another added layer of difficulty. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

What are penetration kills in MW3?

(Image via Sledgehammer Games)
(Image via Sledgehammer Games)

Penetration kills are when your bullets kill opponents through walls or cover. This means the bullets cannot immediately travel from gun to skin, but through an object blocking the opponent first. 

Typically, penetration kills are necessary for camo or daily challenges. So, it’s worth knowing how to get as many as possible. 

How to get them

(Image via Sledgehammer Games)
(Image via Sledgehammer Games)

To get penetration kills in MW3, all you have to do is shoot players through objects like walls. So, your best bet is to use weapons with higher Bullet Penetration. Bullet Penetration means your bullets will cause more damage once they go through an object, thus making it easier to get these types of kills.

The best types of weapons to use would be those in the LMG (Light Machine Gun) category. Pair this with Armor Piercing Rounds and you’ve got a combo well-suited for penetration kills in MW3. 

Locate areas on maps with thin walls. This is because some thicker walls will either not allow bullet penetration or minimal damage. The last thing you want is to be exposed shooting at an incredibly thick, brick wall — fences, in this situation, will be your best friend.

(Image via Sledgehammer Games)
(Image via Sledgehammer Games)

Maps like High Rise and Scrap Yard are well suited to this type of gameplay, as there are tons of wire fences with thin sheets attached. This is the best way to get penetration kills in MW3. All you have to do is stick to it and rack up the kills. 

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