We’ve got you covered with a handful of methods that can help you level up fast in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
Getting through your rank to reach a new Prestige is a Call of Duty tradition. In Black Ops 6, you can level up fast to make the grind a bit easier if you know some tricks. That's where we come in, with a handful of ways you can level up quicker.
Thanks to Call of Duty, some modes that were giving less XP than intended are now fixed. Now, you can employ the proper methods to move up your ranks in a more timely fashion. Let's go over the best ways to do so.
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The best ways to level up fast in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

There are six ways, when combined, that you can maximize your XP gain. This will help you level up as fast as possible in Black Ops 6. Here is each method:
Method Description | Spam Scorestreaks It should not take you long to unlock Dispatcher in the Perk 2 slot. This reduces the score needed for non-lethal Scorestreaks. Choose Scout Pulse, UAV, and Counter UAV and just let them rip to get XP for using them, getting kills while active, and some assists from your teammates. | Destroy Scorestreaks/Equipment If you use Engineer in the Perk 2 slot, you can see enemy Equipment and Scorestreaks through walls. When you see one, shoot it and destroy it. It isn't much, but if you take down multiple UAVs or destroy multiple Spring Traps in a game, it definitely adds up. | Get Headshots Headshots give you additional XP outside of just getting the elimination. So, aim for the head if you want to maximize your XP gains and level up fast in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. | Use Equipment Put your Equipment and Field Upgrades to good use. You get small bits of XP just for landing a Concussion or Flashbang on an enemy. You might even get lucky with a kill from your Lethal Equipment, so just keep setting down Field Upgrades and throwing nades. | Play the Objective This is perhaps the most important task to level up fast in Black Ops 6. You need to play objective modes and actually play the objective. Take Hardpoint for example, you get points continuously as you sit in it. Objective points are just waiting to be farmed and turned into XP. | Double XP Tokens Now, after you begin combining all of the above together, slap on a Double XP Token to make it even more worthwhile. It is important to note, however, that the timer counts down even when you aren't in an active game, so don't waste them. |
If you keep all of this in mind while playing multiplayer in Black Ops 6, you'll have no problem leveling up fast. Before you know it, you'll hit Commander at rank 55 and will be ready to Prestige for the very first time.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and Black Ops 6 coverage.