Scorestreaks can be difficult to earn in Black Ops 6, but we have some tips to make getting them trivial.
What separates Call of Duty from other first-person shooters is the scorestreak system. The ability to be rewarded for playing the objective or stringing together kills has continually been a staple of the franchise for well over a decade. In Black Ops 6, traditional scorestreaks have returned, and there are 16 of them to earn in multiplayer.
Many of the top scorestreaks can't be earned easily, though. Streaks such as the HARP, Chopper Gunner, and Dreadnaught require a high score to earn, which isn't easy to do in most multiplayer lobbies. Fortunately, Black Ops 6 has plenty of different ways to make earning scorestreaks a much simpler task.
Below, we'll go over what your class should look like if you want to earn the best scorestreaks more easily.
Setting up your class to earn scorestreaks in Black Ops 6
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There are a few key class items you'd want to equip if you're solely looking to earn scorestreaks easily in multiplayer. We'll go over what those class items are and how they work below:
- Equip the Dispatcher and Bankroll perks - The Dispatcher and Bankroll perks are purely designed to allow you to earn scorestreaks faster.
- Dispatcher makes it so non-lethal streaks require less score to earn. Bankroll adds 150 score to your streak at the start of every life, making it so every streak requires less total score.

- Use the Strategist Combat Specialty - By equipping three green perks on your loadout, you'll achieve the Strategist Combat Specialty. To do this and also equip Bankroll, a red perk, you need to also equip Perk Greed.
- Strategist rewards you with more points the more you play the objective. If you're capturing flags, picking up tags, or staying on the Hardpoint, for example, you'll rack up plenty of extra score.

- Play Kill Confirmed - Speaking of game modes, it's highly recommended to play Kill Confirmed if you want to earn the most streaks possible.
- Kill Confirmed has the highest potential for scorestreaks since all you need to do is collect tags to earn more score. This is usually much safer and easier than playing the objective in Domination or Hardpoint.

- Use the right scorestreaks - If you want to earn a higher streak, such as the Dreadnaught, you need to ensure you're using the right streaks below it.
- Opting for a UAV/Counter-UAV setup in addition to the Dreadnaught or any other high streak is the optimal way to go. Using the UAVs rewards you with assists and also puts the enemy at a disadvantage.

If you combine these four tips, you'll have the best advantage possible when it comes to earning scorestreaks in Black Ops 6. You'll earn UAVs/Counter-UAVs more easily, have 150 score automatically every life, earn score for collecting dog tags in Kill Confirmed, and earn score for calling in UAVs. All of this leads to your best chance to call in a high streak like the Chopper Gunner or Dreadnaught.
Of course, you'll also need to make sure you're killing enemies efficiently. To ensure that's possible, we recommend using a meta weapon. Fortunately, we have loadout guides on some of the best guns in Black Ops 6. From the XM4 to the C9 to the GPR-91, you'll give yourself an even better shot at earning streaks with any one of those guns.
Stay tuned to for more esports news and Black Ops 6 coverage.