How to complete Atomgrad Raid Episode 3 in MW2

Ant Stonelake

Ant Stonelake

It’s time to find Hadir and stop a nuclear launch.

The Atomgrad Raid is a new addition to Call of Duty. It extends the storyline beyond the campaign and gives players unique rewards for completing each episode. The most recent is Episode 3, which was released with Season 3 reloaded. Here's how to complete it.

Price, Farah and Alex return in Atomgrad Raid Episode 3.
Price, Farah and Alex return in Atomgrad Raid Episode 3.

Before we start, note that completing Atomgrad Raid Episode 3 may take up to 90 minutes. There is no save-and-quit feature. As soon as you enter you must either finish the quest or fail.

Quick steps:

Before we start...

Before starting the Raid Episode 3, there are a few important aspects to consider. You should enlist the assistance of two reliable friends when choosing to do the Raid. Alternatively, there is an option to find random teammates to buddy up with.

There are three different classes of player when it comes to the Raid. There are: Medic, Assault and Recon. Each of them have different abilities to help in different situations.

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For Raid Episode 3, we recommend two players use the Medic class, and one player use Assault. Recon isn't necessary as most enemies will be easily visible.

Drop down the elevator

At the beginning of Atomgrad Raid Episode 3, players have to descend an elevator. From spawn, go through the two linear corridors and find the elevator at the end. Have two members of your team hop onto the elevator before the last pushes the button to get it moving.

The button that needs pressing to get the elevator started.
The button that needs pressing to get the elevator started.

Be careful if you're the last player left on the top. It can get tricky to land a jump onto the elevator. If you miss it, then you will get downed and your team will have to revive you.

A third of the way down, the elevator will stop. You need to clear a room of enemies to one side and pull the power on again.

The same will happen again two-thirds down. This time it gets a bit more complicated. This time you will have to collect a buzzsaw from one room and then take it over to the other side. There are two doors are opened using this saw.

One of the doors that needs to be opened using the saw.
One of the doors that needs to be opened using the saw.

Whilst opening these doors, the player with the saw will be unable to shoot any enemies. Teammates will have to carry some weight here.

Once you're in, you can pull the power on for the last time in the first section. You can then take the elevator right down to the bottom of the well and finish off section one.

Note: In veteran difficulty, at the end of this section, your revives will replenish.

Cabinet Puzzle 1

The first of the cabinet puzzles in Raid Episode 3 is by far the easiest. It doesn't take any real thinking to accomplish. When you follow through the corridors into the room with the cabinet, one player has to open the door that the cabinet is stuck under by pushing a button.

The first cabinet freed after the button being pushed.
The first cabinet freed after the button being pushed.

Then, the cabinet needs to be moved over to the other side of the room, where a quick jump-up moves the players into the next room.

Be careful here because as soon as you leap through the hole in the wall, you will meet a couple of strong enemies. If you are caught off guard they can cause some real damage. Be aware and take them out.

In this room, there will be a lot of ammo, armor and weapons. Use these to your advantage as we're about to get into the real nitty-gritty of the Raid.

Atomgrad Raid Episode 3 Water Room Puzzle

This is, by far, the most difficult part of Atomgrad Raid Episode 3. The Water Room Puzzle requires incredible teamwork and timing. This is the step that is made a lot easier by playing with friends. It's even better if it's people you don't mind shouting at, because you may end up wanting to.

Before getting into the puzzle itself, the water room is filled to the brim with enemies. There are snipers on the two flanks, which need to be taken out before progressing through.

Different waves of enemies will come up to you as you move through the room. Riot shields and RPGs are in use so be careful where you decide to take your gunfights.

How to complete the water room puzzle

When you have gotten all the way through to the end, flick the power on and generate a code. This will be 15 numbers. This code will be different for every playthrough.

The number will show on all 10 stations.
The number will show on all 10 stations.

The water room has 10 stations. These stations all have paintings of digits 0-9. These need to be pressed in the same order as the code. There is also a tight time limit for players to reach each number.

You are best served by splitting up the numbers by section. Numbers 0-3, 4-6 and 7-9 are the best splits to use. Task each player with looking after one of those splits and you can get the best chance of completing it quickly.

The water will make your screen flash blue and do damage to you with electricity.
The water will make your screen flash blue and do damage to you with electricity.

Also, as if it wasn't difficult enough already, the water in the room is now electrified. Take care with how much you stay in it, otherwise, you may end up down. If you string all 15 numbers together, you will finish the code and open up the next section of the Raid.

Note: On veteran difficult, the number code will reset with every failed attempt.

Atomgrad Raid Episode 3 Cabinet Puzzle 2

When you leave the water room, you move into a cafeteria. Enemies ambush you from all angles here. There will also be a juggernaut here. It will have a whole heap of health, keep focusing your fire and you will be able to eventually take it out.

After taking out all of those enemies, you can move through the corridors of the base once again. This where you'll encounter the second of the cabinet puzzles.

This cabinet puzzle is more difficult than the first one. In this one, two players will have to press buttons in different places at the same time to open the door.

The second button can be hard to find. Players can find it by hugging the wall on the right of the room that the cabinet is in. You have to go prone to navigate through a small gap and the button will be right in front.

When the door is open, the third and final player needs to push the cabinet straight through. Move it to the right and then climb up onto the platform.

Where to place the cabinet. Jump up and move on.
Where to place the cabinet. Jump up and move on.

After climbing up into the next room, you will have to navigate a small parkour section. Failing it will drop you down into a bunch of tripwires. Understandably, those tripwires connect to C4, which will, in turn, blow up and kill you.

Note: In veteran difficulty, at the end of this section, your revives will replenish.

How to solve Atomgrad Raid Episode 3 Crane Puzzle

The final big puzzle of Atomgrad Raid Episode 3. The crane can be a difficult thing to deal with when you don't know what to do but that's where we come in.

When you move through into the arena with the crane, there will be plenty of enemy resistance. Take them out. Then, in the back left corner, there will be another cabinet.

First valves

A button press is required to grab this one again. Drag it to the hole in the wall that is nearby. When you jump over, you will see a console and two valves. Have one player stand on each valve and one by the console.

Each side of the console will light up at different pressure levels from each valve. You have to match these up and press the button when both lights shine.

The valves will make the console light up at different times in Raid Episode 3.
The valves will make the console light up at different times in Raid Episode 3.

When you manage to press it at the right time, the water level will rise in the room. This will also open access to the second set of valves.

Be wary. At this stage, the water will sporadically become electrified. There is also a chance that gas will be pumped into the room. When that happens, players need to hide under the water.

Second valves

The second set of valves is a bit more tricky. One of them is now underwater. The underwater one is in the bottom right corner of the room.

The other is in the top left corner of the room. To get to it, you are going to need our trusty friend cabinet. Drag it over to the valve and start getting it turning.

Two lights flash to get the crane moving in Atomgrad Raid Episode 3.
Two lights flash to get the crane moving in Atomgrad Raid Episode 3.

Once again, when the two lights turn blue, press the button and that will allow you to start using the crane controls.

Time to move the crane

Now you can move the crane. It needs to be moved from right to the far left of the screen. At random intervals, enemies will appear from all angles. They will flood the rafters above the submarine. They will also creep up on the player controlling the crane.

Players then jump into the room in the left corner when you get the crane all the way to the end. In there will be explosive charges.

These charges blow up a section in the rafters. Do that and move onto the final part of Raid Episode 3. To reach the correct part, you need to move the crane slightly back to the right. Don't worry if your teammates fall off, there's a ladder to easily get back up onto the crane.

Find Hadir and finish the Atomgrad Raid Episode 3

After getting the bridge to blow up, you need to follow the bridge to a locked room. There is a saw on a table just a little bit further on. That saw can cut the doors open.

There are three doors that need to be sawed open. Each of these will incapacitate one of the players on the team. The other two players will have to pick up the slack and take out the enemies right up until the third door.

After opening the third door, the hardest enemies will present themselves. Two juggernauts also spawn here, so make sure you are kitted up to the max.

When you have taken all those enemies down, you can progress through to the last door of the Raid and secure the ending cutscene.

Do it again... but better.

At the end of the Raid Episode 3, you will unlock the ability to complete it again in veteran difficulty. This mode is a lot harder than the regular version.

Veteran difficulty steps up the Raid once again.
Veteran difficulty steps up the Raid once again.

The enemies take more bullets to kill, they hit harder too. The game is also harder to stay alive in. As a team, you only have three revives per section. Plus, if you let a player who is down, die completely, the run will reset to the last checkpoint.

Completing Raid Episode 3 on Veteran difficulty gives exclusive rewards, including a brand-new dynamic camo.

List of rewards you can get from Atomgrad Raid Episode 3

There are eight rewards that players can get by completing Atomgrad Raid Episode 3. Some of them are more difficult to obtain than others.

Here's a full list of what you can earn by playing the Raid:

  • Alex Keller Operator Skin - Complete the Raid once
  • Galvanic Weapon Camo - Complete the Raid on veteran difficulty
  • Regrets loading screen - Random drop
  • Raid Season 3 player card - Random drop
  • The Captain loading screen - Random drop
  • Raid Season 3 emblem - Random drop
  • Raid Season 3 weapon charm - Random drop
  • The Murk Weapon Camo - In-game easter egg

That's all you need to know in order to complete Episode 3 of the Atomgrad Raid in MW2. Be sure to stick to for all the latest news and guides for MW2.