Best PU-21 loadout in Black Ops 6

Nicholas Taifalos

Nicholas Taifalos

This mighty LMG might just become your new favorite weapon in Black Ops 6.

The LMG class is often overlooked in Call of Duty. Less mobility doesn't necessarily mean higher damage, especially in the movement-heavy world of Black Ops 6. Nevertheless, there is a spot in the meta for weapons like the PU-21.

Here's our best PU-21 loadout with equipment and perks included in Black Ops 6.

How to unlock the PU-21 LMG

Faster fire rate, but less damage. (Screenshot by
Faster fire rate, but less damage. (Screenshot by

The PU-21 is the default unlocked LMG in Black Ops 6 and is available from the get-go. It will be the only LMG available at level one after your prestige unless you spend prestige tokens to unlock another weapon in the class.

The PU-21 fires slightly faster than the XMG, but as a result deals less damage to the head and body. Its recoil pattern is similar to the XMG, so we're going all-out on mobility with this set of attachments. It's important to know the PU-21 is still an LMG and is strongest when fired from a stable position, ideally when mounted to a surface.

Attachments for the best PU-21 loadout in Black Ops 6

Here's the five attachments we're using with the PU-21:

  • Optic: Personal preference
  • Muzzle: Ported Compensator
  • Underbarrel: Precision Foregrip
  • Rear Grip: Commando Grip
  • Fire Mod: Recoil Springs
Aim true with this loadout and attachment collection. (Screenshot by
Aim true with this loadout and attachment collection. (Screenshot by

We're combining boosts to accuracy and handling here with the PU-21. A Ported Compensator and Precision Foregrip each boost vertical and horizontal recoil. This is further enhanced with the Recoil Springs Fire Mod.

The Commando Grip helps out with aim down sight accuracy and sprint to fire speed, enabling us to compete with a few assault rifles for handling. Throw on a scope of your choice, but I wouldn't recommend anything further than 3x zoom.

Best secondary weapon for the PU-21

Pistol: Grekhova

The base 75-round magazine isn't bad on the PU-21 but you may find it lacking in certain gunfights. Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading, after all!

The Grekhova has staked its claim as the best pistol in Black Ops 6, and here it'll serve us well. Your main focus for attachments should be around swap speed and aim down sight speed, but otherwise, its up to you for other attachments.

Lethal and Tactical equipment to use

Our focus will be on objective-based game modes so we're leaning into the Strategist perk pool and equipment.

  • Lethal: Semtex
  • Tactical: Concussion
  • Field Upgrade: Trophy System

The Semtex is our consistent, go-to lethal option with the PU-21. You can swap this out for a Frag Grenade if you choose, but the utility of a Semtex grenade can't be matched and who doesn't love the old sticky grenade kill?

Concussion grenades are key as the affected opponent won't be able to aim as fast for a short moment, giving you an advantage with the PU-21. We're pairing these with a Trophy System which will negate enemy equipment thrown at you while you capture or hold points.

Best perks and Wildcard for this PU-21 loadout in Black Ops 6

Support-based gameplay has never been more rewarding. (Screenshot by
Support-based gameplay has never been more rewarding. (Screenshot by

The Strategist perk pool is great for this PU-21 loadout as you'll find yourself hitting zones and holding them down. Flak Jacket, while negated slightly by the Trophy System, still ensures you stay alive when a grenade finds its way to you.

  • Perk 1: Flak Jacket
  • Perk 2: Dispatcher
  • Perk 3: Bankroll
  • Wildcard: Perk Greed
  • Perk 4: Guardian

Dispatcher and Guardian work to grant scorestreak points for destroying enemy equipment or capturing points. Together you'll be given the Strategist upgrade to further boost those scorestreaks. Bankroll goes even further here on the streak front, but you can opt for a different pick in the third column if you choose.

That's all for now! Stay tuned to for more esports news and Black Ops 6 coverage!