We’ve got you covered with the best Perk setups in Black Ops 6, from each Specialty category and one standalone.
Perks are essential for rounding our your loadout in Call of Duty. If you want to be the best of the best, then you need the right Perk setup in Black Ops 6. That's where we come in.
There are three different Perk categories, each with a Specialty that unlocks when you use three Perks from the same category. So, let's go over the best setup for each one and a mix-and-match version for those who need it.
Best Enforcer Perk setup in Black Ops 6
The Enforcer Perks are the red ones. If you fill all three slot with Enforcers, you'll get the Specialty that allows you a temporary buff to movement speed and health regen when you kill an enemy. So, here is the best three-Perk setup for this category in Black Ops 6:
- Scavenger: Resupply ammo and Equipment from killed enemies.
- Assassin: Enemies on a kill streak get a unique minimap marker and drop bounty packs when killed. Pick up the Packs for more Score.
- Bankroll: Start each life with +150 score towards Scorestreaks.

Best Recon Perk setup in Black ops 6
The blue Recon Perk tree gives a great Specialty. Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after respawn, and you leave no death skulls when you kill an enemy. This category is definitely the best perk setup in Black Ops 6 for those of you who like to be sneaky:
- Ghost: Undetectable by enemy Scout Pulse and UAV when moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks. Undetectable by Prox Alarm.
- Engineer: See enemy Equipment and Scorestreaks through walls and enemy Scorestreak icons on the minimap.
- Vigilance: Display a HUD icon whenever you appear on enemy minimaps. Immune to CUAV and Scrambler. Immune to Sleeper Agent.

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Best Strategist Perk setup in Black Ops 6
The Strategist Specialty allows you to earn bonus score for objectives and destroying enemy equipment. You can see equipment through walls and deploy your own faster. Go with the following Perk setup for this category in Black Ops 6:
- Tac Mask: Resistance to enemy flash and concussion grenades and enemy Neurogas.
- Dispatcher: Reduced score cost for non-lethal Scorestreaks. Stacks with Bankroll.
- Quartermaster: Recharge Equipment uses over time.

Best mix-and-match Perks
If you don't care about having a Specialty in place, then you can choose from multiple Perk categories. Here is the best overall Perk setup in Black Ops 6 when mixing and matching the colors:
- Ghost
- Dispatcher
- Bankroll

Having that extra score for your Scorestreaks is vital towards leveling up fast and giving you either intel with non-lethal ones or kills with those that deal damage.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and Black Ops 6 coverage.