All Black Ops 6 Medals and how to earn them

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

We’ve got you covered with a list of all the medals in Black Ops 6 and what you need to do to add them to your collection.

Medals return in Black Ops 6, and there are a lot of them for you to earn. You can see your Medal Collection in your stats, showcasing which ones you have and which ones you still need to fill in for 100% completion.

If you want to see them all laid out for you, we've got you covered. Let's take a look at all of the medals in Black Ops 6, categorized by their type and whether you can earn them in the multiplayer game modes or in Zombies.

How to earn all medals in Black Ops 6

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

There are six categories across multiplayer and Zombies for you to earn medals in Black Ops 6. Some of them are quite easy and straightforward. Others, though, might require some advanced knowledge so you know exactly what to do.

Let's break it down for you.


Bloodthirsty - Killed 5 enemies without dying
Jackrabbit - Killed 15 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Merciless - Killed 10 enemies without dying
Nimble - Killed 30 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Ruthless - Killed 15 enemies without dying
Elusive - Killed 50 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Relentless - Killed 20 enemies without dying
Intangible - Killed 75 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Brutal - Killed 25 enemies without dying
Escape Artist - Killed 100 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Nuclear - Killed 30 enemies without dying
Invincible - Killed 200 Zombies in a row without taking damage
Unstoppable - Killed more than 30 enemies without dying

Multi Kills

Double Kill - Killed 2 enemies within a short time of one another
Slaughter - Killed 5 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Triple Kill - Killed 3 enemies within a short time of one another
Massacre - Killed 10 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Fury Kill - Killed 4 enemies within a short time of one another
Carnage - Killed 15 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Frenzy Kill - Killed 5 enemies within a short time of one another
Bloodbath - Killed 20 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Mega Kill - Killed 6 enemies within a short time of one another
Extermination - Killed 25 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Ultra Kill - Killed 7 enemies within a short time of one another
Lifedrinker - Killed 30 Zombies rapidly with a Weapon
Kill Chain - Killed more than 7 enemies within a short time of one another


Quad Feed - Got four uninterrupted Kills in the Kill Feed
Opportunist - Killed an Abomination by making it swallow a grenade
Collateral - Killed multiple uninjured enemies with the same shot
Two for One - Killed 2 Special Zombies with a single shot
Moonshot - Killed an enemy that was 100m or further away
Untouchable - Killed an Elite Zombie without it dealing any damage to your team
Turned On - Killed an enemy who shot you first from outside your view
Headhunter - Critically Killed 20 consecutive enemies rapidly with a Weapon
Revenge - Killed the enemy who killed you last
Decapitated - Killed an Abomination
Kingslayer - Killed the enemy who has the highest score in the match
Guillotined - Killed an Abomination by destroying all 3 of its heads
Headshot - Killed an enemy with a Headshot
Exorcised - Killed an Amalgam
Savior - Shot and killed an enemy that was shooting a teammate
Amputator - Killed an Amalgam after destroying 5 body parts
One Shot, One Kill - Killed an enemy with one shot from a Sniper Rifle or Marksman Rifle
Malpractice - Killed an Amalgam before it regenerate a body part
Long Shot - Killed an enemy at long range
Antiparasitic - Killed 3 Parasites without releasing the trigger
Wall Bang - Killed an enemy with a bullet that penetrated a wall or other surface
Pesticide - Killed 3 or more Vermin simultaneously
Point Blank - Killed an enemy at extremely close range
Slow Down - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly that are slowed or frozen
Blind Fire - Killed an enemy while under the effects of an enemy Flashbang, Concussion, or Neurogas
Necromancer - Killed 5 or more Zombies with a single Brain-rotted Zombie
Hot Swap - Killed an enemy with a Weapon shortly after switching to it
Voltaic - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly that are stunned from electric damage
First Blood - Get the first Kill of the match
Immolate - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly that are on fire
Dive Shot - Killed an enemy while or shortly after diving in any direction
Graviton - Teleported 5 or more Zombies with a single use of Shadow Rift
Low Blow - Killed an enemy while sliding in any direction
Alchemist - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly that are effected by two or more elements
Action Shot - Killed an enemy after diving then spinning around to face the direction you dove from
Task Force - Successfully completed a trial with double the Mastery Target
Afterlife - Killed an enemy after you died
Disarmed - Killed a Mangler by destroying its Arm Cannon
It's Personal - Performed a Finishing Move on the enemy who killed you last
Big Bang - Killed 10 or more Zombies with a single shot from an explosive Weapon
Backfire - Killed an enemy with their own Weapon you picked up
Excessive Force - Killed 3 or more Zombies with a single shot
Nosebreaker - Killed an enemy with a gunbutt
Dead Eye - Critically killed 5 consecutive enemies rapidly with a Weapon
Back Stabber - Killed an enemy by hitting them in the back with a melee weapon
Hit Job - Killed an enemy with a Finishing Move
Not This Time - Saved a teammate by killing an enemey who was performing a Finishing Move or Body Shield on them
Bullet Sponge - Killed an enemy while using their teammate as a Body Shield
Snaked - Rapidly Killed 2 enemies in different directions while on your stomach, back, or side with a weapon
Triggered - Killed an enemy by triggering an environmental hazard
Zipped Up - Kill an enemy while ziplining or rappeling
360 No-Scope - Got a Hipfire Kill with a Sniper Rifle after performing a 360 degree spin while midair


Boom! - Killed 3 or more enemies with a single explosion from a Lethal or Field Upgrade
Fully Charged - Killed 20 or more Zombies during a single use of a Field Upgrade
Rigged - Killed 2 or more enemies on an Objective with a delayed or manually triggered explosion
Crowd Pleaser - Killed 10 Zombies with a single explosion from Lethal Equipment
Combinatorial - Used a Lethal to finish off an enemy that was affected by your Concussion or Flashbang
Stunner - Affected 10 Zombies with Tactical Equipment before rapidly killing them
Dazed and Dropped - Killed 3 or more enemies rapidly that are affected by your Concussion or Flashbang
Lethality - Killed 20 or more Zombies rapidly with only Lethals and Field Upgrades
Sentinel - Intercepted 4 projectiles with a single Trophy System
Event Horizon - Killed 10 Zombies with a single LT53 Kazimir
Popcorn - Killed 2 or more enemies with a single explosion from a Lethal or Field Upgrade
Monkey Business - Killed 10 or more Zombies who are distracted by your Cymbal Monkey
Crispy - Killed 2 or more enemies with a single Molotov or Thermo Grenade
Smoked Out - Killed 5 or more Zombies while hidden by a Smoke
Hot Potato - Killed an enemy with a thrown back Frag
Fake Out - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly who are drawn to your Decoy
Stick - Stuck an enemy with a Semtex
Adrenaline Rush - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly shortly after healing with a Stim Shot or using a Self-Revive
See What Sticks - Stuck an enemy at long range with a Semtex
Finished - Killed 5 or more zombies while they are stunned by your Concussion
Direct Hit - Killed an enemy with a direct hit from an Impact Grenade
Watt-ch Out - Killed 5 or more Zombies that were shocked by your Shock Charge
Bankshot - Bounced a Combat Axe off a surface and killed an enemy
Popcorn - Killed 5 or more Zombies with a single explosion from Lethal Equipment
Hail Mary - Killed an enemy at long range with a Combat Axe
Crispy - Killed 5 or more Zombies with a single Molotov or Thermo Grenade
Doink - Killed an enemy with the direct impact of your Tactical or Lethal Equipment
Chopped Up! - Killed 3 or more Zombies rapdily with a Combat Axe
Lit and Hit - Killed 2 or more enemies rapidly that were detected by your Prox Alarms
Hide and Seek - Killed 5 or more Zombies while cloaked in the Aether Shroud
Shocked - Killed 2 or more enemies rapidly that were shocked by your Shock Charge
Spectral Salvation - Revived a teammate while cloaked in Aether Shroud
Adrenaline Rush - Killed 2 or more enemies rapidly shortly after using a Stim Shot
Combat Medic - Killed 5 or more enemies rapidly immediately after healing yourself and/or team from low health with Healing Aura
Fake Out - Killed 3 enemies who are near one of your Decoys
Deathtrap - Killed 10 more Zombies with an Energy Mine
Finished - Killed 2 or more enemies who are stunned by one of your Concussions
Main Tank - Killed 10 or more Zombies that are affected by Frenzied Guard
Sight Unseen - Capture an Objective while under the cover of your Smoke
Beamed - Killed 10 ore more Zombies Rapidly with Dark Flare
Lights Out - Killed 2 or more enemies who are blinded by one of your Flashbangs
Infiltrated - Performed a Finishing Move on an enemy while disguised by the Sleeper Agent
Choked Up - Killed 2 or more enemies that were affected by your Neurogas
Come At Me - Killed 3 or more enemies with a single use of Signal Lure
Off The Floor - Killed an enemy while you are in Last Stand from your Morphine Injector
Let's Go! - Killed 3 or more enemies while continuously affected by War Cry
Instant Karma - Killed an enemy immediately after respawning from your Tactical Insertion
Over & Out - Killed 3 or more enemies with a single use of the Acoustic Amp
Fully Loaded - Restock 3 or more teammates with a single Assault Pack
Blindsided - Killed 2 or more enemies who were disrupted by your Scrambler


Doomsday - Killed the entire enemy team with a single Air Support Scorestreak
Obliterator - Killed 30 or more Zombies rapidly with a single Scorestreak
Going Hard - Killed 4 or more enemies with a single player-controlled Scorestreak
Scorched Earth - Killed 2 Elite Zombies with the same Scorestreak
Hard Stop - Used a player-controlled Scorestreak to Kill 2 or more enemies that were capturing a friendly Objective
Broadside - Killed 10 or more Zombies with a single shot of the Mangler Cannon
Topped Off - Killed 6 or more enemies with a single Scorestreak
Fire Away - Killed 50 Zombies with Scorestreaks in a single round
Scrapped - Destroyed an enemy ground Scorestreak
Megalomaniac - Killed 15 or more Zombies rapidly with the Mutant Injection
Hijacker - Stole an enemy Care Package
Rush Delivery - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly with the ARC-XC
Flyswatter - Destroyed an enemy non-lethal Airborne Scorestreak
Guns Blazing - Killed 15 or more Zombies rapidly with the Chopper Gunner
Downed - Destroyed an enemy lethal Airborne Scorestreak
Strike Delivered - Killed 10 or more Zombies rapidly with the LDBR
Dud - Destroyed an enemy Hellstorm Missile or Archangel Rocket
Raining Death - Killed 10 or more Zombies rapidly with a Hellstorm
Shutdown - Killed an enemy that was using a Scorestreak Weapon
Crackdown - Killed 5 or more Zombies rapidly with the Sentry Turret
Hunter - Killed 2 or more enemies rapidly who were detected and shown on the mini-map by your UAV or HARP
Blackout - Called in a Counter UAV while one or more enemy UAVs were active
Kaboom - Killed 2 or more enemies with a single RC-XD
Pancake - Killed an enemy by crushing them with a Care Package
Finders Keepers - Killed an enemy using a Scorestreak you stole from their Care Package
Bait Taken - Killed an enemy with a hacked Care Package
Targets Acquired - Killed 2 or more enemies with a single rocket from the Archangel Launcher
Marked Up - Killed 3 or more enemies rapidly with the A.G.R. Mk 1
Strike Delivered - Killed 2 or more enemies with the LDBR
Guns Blazing - Killed 5 or more enemies with the Chopper Gunner
Royal Escort - Killed 3 or more enemies with the Watchdog Helo
Bombs Away - Killed 2 or more enemies with the Strategic Bomber
Raining Death - Killed 3 or more enemies with the Hellstorm Missile
Denied - Destroyed an enemy Scorestreak with your Hellstorm
Toasty - Killed 2 or more enemies with a Napalm Strike
Air Traffic - Used Interceptors to destroy 2 or more Airborne Scorestreaks
Incidental Damage - Killed an enemy with the debris from an Interceptor Dogfight
Guard Duty - Killed 3 or more enemies with the Sentry Turret
Airmail - Destroyed or assisted in destroying 2 o more enemy Scorestreaks with a single SAM Turret
Death From Above - Killed 3 or more enemies rapidly with the Dreadnought
Game Over - Deployed the Nuke

Game Modes

This is the only set of medals in Black Ops 6 that does not have a Zombies section. It is only for the Multiplayer portion of the game:

Wipeout - Cleared your Objective of 2 or more enemies
Coast Cleared - Cleared the enemy objective zone of 2 or more defenders and captured it
Entrenched - Killed 5 or more enemies without leaving your objective zone
Sweep - Eliminated the final 3 enemies from the round in Search & Destroy or Control
Assault - Killed an enemy who was defending their objective
Hardpoint Secured - Secured the Hardpoint as the first player to enter the Hardpoint
Forward Position - Quickly secured a Hardpoint immediately after your team owned the previous Hardpoint
Retrieved - Recovered your own Dog Tag in Kill Confirmed or Team Elimination
Clean Up - Rapidly collected 3 or more enemy Dog Tags in Kill Confirmed or Team Elimination
All Gone - Rapidly denied 5 or more friendly Dog Tags in Kill Confirmed or Team Elimination
Position Secure - Captured an Objective in Domination or Control
Opening Move - Secured the neutral B point in Domination
Full Time - Controlled a Hardpoint for its entire duration
Target Down - Killed the enemy HVT in Kill Order
Devalued - Performed a Finishing Move on the HVT
Guardian Angel - Revived a friendly HVT in Kill Order
Old Timer - Survived for 60 seconds as the HVT in Kill Order
To The Wire - Won a Gunfight round in capturing the Objective point
All Mine - Killed both enemies in a single Gunfight round
And...Gone! - Killed both enemies within 15 seconds of the start of a Gunfight round
Survivalist - Survived for 3 minutes in Infected
Contagious - Infected a Survivor in Infected
Plagued - Infected 3 enemies in a single life in Infected
Ace - Killed every enemy in a single round of Search & Destroy
Bomber - Planted the Bomb
Hero - Defused the Bomb
Still Online - Killed an enemy who was planting the Bomb at your team's Objective
Task Force - Killed an enemy who was defusing the Bomb your team planted
Ninja Defuse - Defused the Bomb while there were enemies alive in Search & Destroy
Clutch - Defused the Bomb while you were the last alive and enemies were still alive in Search & Destroy
1 v 1 - Won a 1v1 scenario in Search & Destroy or Control
1 v 2 - Won a 1v2 scenario in Search & Destroy or Control
1 v 3 - Won a 1v3 scenario in Search & Destroy or Control
1 v Everyone - Won a 1v4 or more scenario in Search & Destroy or Control

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