It’s Drone time!
Crypto is one of the hardest legends in the game to play. He requires coordinated team play, and for you to truly buy into the 'Crypto way' of playing the game.
As a solo queue player, we wouldn't suggest playing Crypto if we're being honest. You can only make the most of this legend when you're stacked with your team.
But, if you want the challenge, read our Apex Legends Crypto guide for all the tips and tricks you need.

Apex Legends Crypto guide: What makes Crypto a good legend?
Crypto excels for safe information gathering and respawning your teammates. He can grab banners, scan enemy locations, scout and respawn all via his Drone. This is partly why he needs a coordinated team. He is vulnerable while he uses the Drone and needs some protection.
- Crypto can scout positions and gather lots of information from the safety of his drone.
- EMP can be a great entry to a fight.
- Remotely grab banners, and remotely respawn eliminated teammates.
- Crypto is very vulnerable when he is sat in his drone.
- EMP stuns teammates.
- Drone can be easily destroyed.

Crypto Tactical:
- The drone can be deployed and flown up to 200 meters away from Crypto. If the drone is 240+ meters away from Crypto, it will automatically be recalled.
- The drone has 50 health, which gets recovered when recalled.
- The drone can be used to open doors/Supply Bins/Care Packages, pick up squadmates' banner cards, and use both Survey Beacons and Respawn Beacons instantly. It must be within 7 meters to do these.
- Champion Banners seen through the drone's vision will show the number of enemy squads within a 200-meter radius of Crypto (not the drone).
The Drone itself is Crypto's tactical ability. It has a wide range of abilities, including seeing nearby enemies, respawning, opening doors/bins and more.

Tips for Surveillance Drone:
Tip #1:
When you are in Drone view you are completely vulnerable. Make sure you are in a safe spot, and that you're protected by your teammates.
Tip #2:
Seeing how many enemy squads are in range is a very underrated aspect of Crypto's kit. There is nothing more tilting than being third partied after taking a fight. Using this information you can establish if a fight truly is isolated. You can also see things like if it is safe to craft, respawn or just satisfy your paranoia!
Tip #3:
There is no need to ever take any risks getting banners when playing Crypto. You can use the Drone to remotely grab banners, much safer than risking your own life trying to retrieve them.

Crypto Passive:
- Crypto and his teammates see what his Surveillance Drone detects up to a 30m distance.
Okay, so this might be one of the simplest Passives of all time. Crypto simply gets scans through his Drone.

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Tips for Neurolink:
Tip #1:
You don't have to be in Crypto's Drone for the Neurolink to work. You can use the drone essentially as a CCTV camera or an extra pair of eyes. Placing it somewhere you want to keep an eye on - perhaps a key choke point?

Crypto Ultimate:
- Charge up an EMP from your drone. The blast deals 50 shield damage, slows players, and destroys traps.
- Takes 3 seconds to charge before detonating. The drone can be destroyed before the detonation, cancelling it.
- Affects all players (and Crypto himself) in a 30-meter radius, even through walls and other obstacles. Squadmates take no shield damage but are still slowed down.
The Drome EMP is a decently powerful Ultimate ability. It allows you to create an opening to fight, or helps you repel an enemy push. It does stun friendly teammates, and damage Crypto as well - so be careful how you execute this ability.

Tips for Drone EMP:
Tip #1:
This ability is particularly powerful when sieging teams using legends like Rampart and Wattson who are posted up in a building. It will destroy all fences or traps in these buildings. EMPing and immediately rushing in is a great way to get a building. Perhaps combined with throwing grenades or other abilities?
Tip #2:
Another great use of the EMP can be for levelling up EVO shield. With 50 damage to each shield in range, EMPing a fight or multiple teams nearby can get you very easy EVO charge.
Tip #3:
You can activate your EMP remotely. You can place the Drone on top of a building for instance, and then activate it when you are closer (or further away) from the position. If you need to rotate past a team for instance, you could EMP them as you cross to stun them and stop them shooting you.

Apex Legends Crypto guide: What legends work well with Crypto?
Crypto pairs well with aggressive legends who have strong mobility to help close the gap after an EMP.
Aggressive Playstyles:
All of these legends have a way to close the gap on a team you just EMPed. Wraith and Octane can transport the whole team, while Loba can only move alone. Loba can gather Ultimate Accelerants to help Crypto get his EMP back faster.
Passive Playstyles:
Wattson pairs nicely with Crypto for bunkering down and playing in zone. He can gather EMP while Wattson provides shield health. Wraith also works passively, allowing you to portal up on teams and play solo while Crypto supports you with his neurolink scan.

Crypto is certainly an acquired taste, and he is not for everyone. However, he has his strengths and if you lean into his kit - he can deliver. Thanks for reading out Apex Legends Crypto guide.
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