Pros and talents call out obnoxious crowd whistles at the Lima Major
The Lima Major crowd whistles could tamper the integrity of games.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee
Sneyking on TI11 hero picks “I think Techies is pretty underrated” interviewed Sneyking and the rest of Tundra ahead of TI11 to get their thoughts on the tournament, the current meta, and more!

Noah Pather
Sneyking: “NA Dota is in a bad state because of its low player base. Europe has 10 times more players, which means more good players.”
During the PGL Arlington Major, captain of Tundra Esports, sneyking gave his thoughts regarding the state of NA Dota. He also compared it to the European Dota scene.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Tundra Sneyking on IGL role and having the right team mentality
Soon, no more Herald plays for Tundra at LAN.


Tundra officially signs Saksa, moves Sneyking to position 5
Saksa to Tundra, Sneyking to five position… Tundra are shaking things up before their next big events.
Michael Hassall