Gen.G Mobil1 Racing wins the RLCS NA Winter Open
The RLCS 2022-23 Winter Open has concluded for North America, Middle East & North Africa, and Oceania regions. Here are the winners and the RLCS Standings for all three regions.
Dshae Zulkiflee
RLCS World Championship: Full Schedule and Updated Results [WINNER ANNOUNCED]
Here are the schedule and updated results of the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) 2021-2022 World Championship.
Dshae Zulkiflee
All you need to know about the RLCS 2021-2022 World Championship
Find out all about the upcoming Rocket LEague Championship Series (RLCS) 2021-2022 World Championship including the prize pool, format, teams, and more.
Dshae Zulkiflee

Who is on the RLCS’s Mount Rushmore?
Ever wondered who will be on the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) Mount Rushmore? Let’s take a look at some of the players that made the Rocket League competitive scene what it is today.
Dshae Zulkiflee

Rocket League adds Team Goal Explosions in the final Esports Shop update
Rocket League introduces a new upgrade of Team Goal Explosions as the final Esports Shop update of the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) 2021-22 Season.
Dshae Zulkiflee

Gaimin Gladiators is going to their first Major after 8 Regional wins
Gaimin Gladiators has won the Asia-Pacific (APAC) Spring Split Qualifier, earning them their first Major. We will see them compete in the Spring Split Major this June.
Dshae Zulkiflee

RLCS X Finals Top Five Plays
The best plays from last week’s championship. Editorial Team

Lamborghini to sponsor RLCS Championship with new events and items
Psyonix and Lamborghini are partnering to create new events and items for Season 3 of Rocket League starting with the RLCS Championship.
Sage Datuin