Mullahoo’s Hearthstone Mercenaries Leveling Guide for Protectors
This updated(!) Hearthstone Mercenaries Leveling Guide for Protectors hopes to serve you as a hub of information: something you can return to. A map for each Protector–including how to spend their earliest Coins and complete their most important Tasks.
Steven Mullahoo
Hearthstone Mercenaries Farming guide: 10 tips to improve your party!
Looking for a guide with the most efficient way to farm coins and level your Hearthstone Mercenaries? We have 10 tips to help you!

Manuel "Rane" Delgado
Hearthstone Mercenaries FAQ: 5 things you need to know about it
Hearthstone Mercenaries is live and with it comes a lot of questions. We’ve saved you the time of hunting for answers with our FAQ of what you need to know before playing!

Manuel "Rane" Delgado

Hearthstone Mercenaries Ratings and Matchmaking: How does it work?
With Hearthstone Mercenaries live, lets dive into its Ratings and Matchmaking system. How does the system balances Mercenary Levels, Abilities, Equipment, and Roles?

Manuel "Rane" Delgado

Patch 21.4 brings sneaky-huge tweaks to Mercenaries on release day
Patch 21.4 releases a whole new game: Mercenaries! But more importantly these patch notes hold secrets on the Final Numbers and the F2P life.
Steven Mullahoo

Mercenaries News! FAQs answered, leaks open theorycraft floodgates
We broke down Blizzard’s new FAQ to bring you the latest Mercenaries news, including the wave of leaks.
Steven Mullahoo

Baby’s First Hearthstone Mercenaries Theorycraft
I don’t know anything about Mercenaries and neither do you– let’s get to work! By the end of this article, we will have become wiser together.
Steven Mullahoo

Hearthstone Mercenaries is finally upon us: Where to watch and earn Drops
Hearthstone Mercenaries, originally expected for late 2020, will have its reveal stream on August 31, at 9 am PT. We explain how to earn United in Stormwind packs as part of the announcement

Manuel "Rane" Delgado