Double the trouble, double the complaining.
You nerds just can't try anything new, can you? Announced a few weeks back was the next "Quick Play Hacked" experiment coming to Overwatch 2. For those out of the loop, QP Hacked is a short-term change to the game's main Quick Play mode that messes with the ruleset. The last time, we got faster timers and quicker Ultimate charge. This time around, Overwatch Quick Play Double Trouble allows the selection of the same DPS and Support hero.

It's very silly. Of course, the Overwatch internet hate mob began complaining within minutes of its launch. This happens like clockwork any time a new Overwatch feature goes live. However, the vitriol thrown towards this 24-hour mode feels like yet another example of how a specific sect of the game's base just loves to tear it down.
Overwatch, Quick Play, Double Trouble, and you
There was whining in match chat instantly upon loading into my first Overwatch Quick Play Double Trouble match. After all, there's nothing more the boo birds of Overwatch love more than complaining about a thing is still taking part in said thing at the same time. Given that the event is only 24 hours, I see no harm in the process. It's effectively the game's version of a shi*tpost, letting players faff off and play extremely silly comps for a spell.
On the flip side, these Quick Play events allow for some valuable data harvesting that the Overwatch team can take advantage of doing. Given that we're in year eight or so of this game's lifespan, I see no problem with mixing things up and just seeing what happens.
But, no, I suppose not everyone else sees a giddy joy in running a team of two Bastion and Mercy. For many players, there's only one correct way for Overwatch to be played and any disturbing of the apple cart causes instant anger.
There's just some kind of general sickness with gamers that makes them think that everything is focused through the lens of their own enjoyment of a game. This seems especially so when it comes to Blizzard games. Over the weekend I came across a fairly innocuous post from Senior Game Producer of WoW Classic, Josh Greenfield. He had posted a picture of the corgi races held on the Blizzard campus last week, celebrating the launch of the Cowboy Bebop collab.

Like clockwork, a dude with a random string of numbers in his name popped up to harrang Greenfield with an unrelated question about balance changes. And this isn't an isolated incident. Look at any known game developer's socials and you'll find a smattering of mouth breathers forcing their agenda.
There's a connection.
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No Fun Zone
So, why does Overwatch feel particularly prone to a constant barrage of complaints? I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the internet loves a dogpile, one way or another. This includes hammering a once-universally beloved game like Overwatch for every move it makes. I honestly can't remember the last time Blizzard introduced something new like Quick Play Double Trouble and it didn't immediately get a gong from its Waldorf and Statler-esque fans.
Hero bans? Role restrictions? Experimental Mode? Special events? Collabs? PvE attempts? Every single one of them, instantly hit with a cacophony of Resetera threads and clickbait headlines about the game going down the tubes for good.
But you know what? Not my elephants, not my circus. I think the experimentation is fantastic. And, at the least, it's 24 hours before Quick Play Double Trouble goes away and it's all back to normal. I'm also of the mindset that I would rather see the team throw whatever spaghetti they can against the wall and see what sticks than do nothing whatsoever.
Now, excuse me while my game group runs two Sombra, two Moira, and ruins everyone's day.
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