WoW introduces new Operation Floodgate dungeon: All bosses and more

Bryson Maddock

Bryson Maddock

The Undermine(d) is almost here, and with the new WoW expansion is a brand new dungeon: Operation: Floodgate.

Are you prepared to explore the world of the goblins in World of Warcraft (WoW)? The popular MMORPG just released its newest expansion, the Undermine(d), which includes a brand new dungeon, Operation: Floodgate.

The new dungeon is immersive and takes you beneath the city of Undermine where all of the goblins live. With multiple bosses and more, this new dungeon will give players quite a bit of content to indulge in.

Here is everything you need to know about WoW's Operation: Floodgate.

Operation: Floodgate... Everything you need to know about WoW's newest dungeon

Set to release sometime during the month of February, WoW's newest expansion, the Undermine(d), will provide players with a plethora of new content, allowing them to explore the world of the goblins further.

Operation: Floodgate is the newest dungeon for players to raid, with four bosses to face and more.

Every boss in WoW's Operation: Floodgate:

  • Big M.O.M.M.A
  • Demolition Duo
  • Swampface
  • Geezle Gigazap

Below is a description of each boss provided by WoW's most recent blog post:

Operation: Floodgate bosses

  • Big M.O.M.M.A.: A prototype mech code-named Big M.O.M.M.A., piloted by Silva Stratospark, has been deployed to the Waterworks as operational security in service of Gallywix's schemes. The mech boasts a dizzying array of communication equipment bolstered by the Darkfuse's Black Blood experiments.
  • Demolition Duo: Keeza Quickfuse and Bront are the Venture Co. brains and brawn duo contracted by Gallywix to implement the "explosive restructuring" of the Waterworks dam. Keeza thrives off wanton destruction, while Bront "thrives" off cleaning up the remnants left in her wake.
  • Swampface: Buried beneath the riverbed at the Waterworks lies a hibernating beast. Amidst the commotion around the dam, Swampface awakens and emerges from the mud in a groggy rage to squash the first thing that moves.
  • Geezle Gigazap: At the heart of the Waterworks dam, the electric mastermind Geezle Gigazap siphons power for "THE PROJECT". When he is cornered, and Gallywix's secret plans have nearly come to a halt, Geezle reroutes the power headed to the Undermine…to himself!

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