WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode countdown and release date

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Are you ready to survive in Azeroth all by yourself?

Blizzard has revealed the World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic Self-Found mode release date and details in terms of what to expect in the game. Read on for the live WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode countdown, release date, and more!

WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found Mode

WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode countdown

The WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode is launching on Feb. 29 at 3 p.m. PDT. According to Blizzard, this game mode is releasing at the same time worldwide Therefore, our live countdown works for everyone.

WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode release date

Time Zone
PDT 3 p.m.Feb. 29
MDT 4 p.m.Feb. 29
CDT 5 p.m.Feb. 29
EDT 6 p.m.Feb. 29
GMT 11 p.m.Feb. 28
CET12 a.m.Mar. 1
IST4:30 a.m.Mar. 1
JST 8 a.m.Mar. 1
AEDT 10 a.m.Mar. 1
NZDT 12 p.m.Mar. 1

We've created the table above in case you would like to know what 3 p.m. PDT on Feb. 29 is in your local time. You can also use a free time zone converter to figure this out.

The 2024 WoW Classic roadmap includes the Self-Found mode (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The 2024 WoW Classic roadmap includes the Self-Found mode (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

How WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode works

According to Blizzard, you can start this new mode at level 1 by selecting that option during character creation. Note that when you enter the WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode, you cannot send or receive mail from other players. Additionally, you cannot trade and buy or sell items via the Auction House. However, this mode does apply a new buff to your toon.

Trading restrictions (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Trading restrictions (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

If you're an Alliance player, then you can turn off the WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode by heading to an Apprentice Watcher in Ironforge or Darnassus. Meanwhile, Horde players can do the same by visiting either Orgrimmar or Undercity. Note that once you turn this mode off, you cannot turn it back on again.

Scenery screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Scenery screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

To turn off this mode of play, Alliance players can visit an Apprentice Watcher in Ironforge (Hall of Explorers) or Darnassus (Moon Temple) and Horde players can visit an Apprentice Watcher in Orgrimmar (near the PvP vendors)  or in Undercity (The Apothecarium). Keep in mind that once you turn off Self-Found, you will not be able to turn it back on.

WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode release date (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode release date (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

How to enter WoW Classic Hardcore Self-Found mode

  1. Launch the app
  2. Click on the World of Warcraft icon
  3. Select the WoW Classic option above the "Play" button
  4. Install WoW Classic
  5. Click on the "Play" button
  6. Choose a WoW Classic Hardcore realm
  7. Create a new character
  8. Enter the game and survive

Remember that you need to have an active World of Warcraft subscription in order to play this new game mode as well.

That's all for now, but stick around on for more news and updates!