World of Warcraft Tabard of Frost now free on Prime Gaming

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

You have until March 26 to claim this free item.

World of Warcraft is once again teaming up with Amazon Prime Gaming! This time, players who are subscribed to the service can add the Tabard of Frost to their in-game collection. Read on for our guide on how to do this, how to get a free Prime Gaming trial, and more.

World of Warcraft Tabard of Frost item (Image Prime Gaming)
World of Warcraft Tabard of Frost item (Image Prime Gaming)

How to get the Tabard of Frost in World of Warcraft for free

  1. Visit Prime Gaming's homepage
  2. Search for "World of Warcraft"
  3. Click on the "Claim" button below the offer
  4. Press the "Claim in-game content" on the next page
  5. If you haven't already done so, then connect your Twitch and Amazon Prime accounts
World of Warcraft Prime Gaming loot (Image Prime Gaming)
World of Warcraft Prime Gaming loot (Image Prime Gaming)

"Before linking your Twitch and Blizzard accounts, check to see that you’re not logged in to any other Blizzard accounts at the same time in the same browser, as this could cause complications," according to Blizzard. The official announcement also recommended players to complete the claiming process in incognito mode.

Connecting your Twitch and Blizzard accounts (Image via Twitch)
Connecting your Twitch and Blizzard accounts (Image via Twitch)

After successfully claiming the free Tabard of Frost, launch World of Warcraft and visit a transmog vendor. These vendors are located in capital cities such as Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Next, click on the new transmog to apply it to your character!

Claiming the free Tabard of Frost (Image Prime Gaming)
Claiming the free Tabard of Frost (Image Prime Gaming)

How to get a free Prime Gaming trial and more loot

In addition to the Tabard of Frost in World of Warcraft, there are a plethora of items that you can get for free through Prime Gaming. These aren't limited to World of Warcraft, either. For example, if you're a fan of VALORANT, Overwatch 2, or even League of Legends, then there might be something up for grabs!

Free League of Legends capsule (Image Prime Gaming)
Free League of Legends capsule (Image Prime Gaming)

If you're not already a member of Prime Gaming, then you can sign up for a free trial. Just remember to cancel the trial on time if you don't plan on continuing with it after time's up. Press any "Try Prime" button on the Prime Gaming website to get started and follow the simple prompts.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates about in-game freebies!