World of Warcraft players raise $1.5 million for Ukrainian relief

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here is the impact of the partnership between World of Warcraft and BlueCheck Ukraine.

World of Warcraft players raised $1.5 million for Ukrainian relief efforts. This was done through a bundle that gave players two in-game pets. One of the pets was for the Dragonflight expansion while the other was for Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

Sunny is a golden retriever pet in World of Warcraft (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Sunny is a golden retriever pet in World of Warcraft (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

World of Warcraft players help BlueCheck Ukraine

The program involving charity pets supported BlueCheck Ukraine, which is a collective that helps Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with financial support. The collective also supports critical humanitarian work in Ukraine.

Right now, the partnership between World of Warcraft and BlueCheck Ukraine is providing resources to a lot of organizations.

Flurky is a baby murloc pet in Wrath of the Lich King Classic (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Flurky is a baby murloc pet in Wrath of the Lich King Classic (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

World of Warcraft and BlueCheck Ukraine's impact

According to Blizzard, here's what each of these organizations are doing:

Programs Funded
Ukraine Assistance Organization (UAO)UAO provides free medical assistance and vital medicines to homes and rural villages.Funding mobile medical teams to serve patients in regions like Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odessa.
Project VictoryProject Victory is a non-profit organization founded by combat veterans. It offers food, shelter, medical supplies, and essentials to war-affected areas.Funding a container of urgent medical supplies for a hospital in Zaporizhia City.
Lviv InsoLviv Inso is an orchestra that turned into a hub for humanitarian relief activities. It provides medical institutions in eastern Ukraine with medicines and resuscitation vehicles.Funding continued operations and urgent humanitarian supplies for frontline areas.
Voices of ChildrenA charitable foundation that supports children with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Funding therapy for children with ASD, group sessions for parents, psychoeducational programs, and an international conference on children's rights and mental health.
Save Peace in UkraineAn NGO that provides humanitarian aid to towns, cities, and regions in Ukraine.Distributing 180,000 ready-to-eat meals to 6,000 individuals who cannot care for themselves.
StarenkiStarenki helps over 2,000 elderly Ukrainians, primarily retirees without family, with social activities, food, and hygiene.Supporting about eight months of operating costs for programming for the unaccompanied elderly.
Cash for RefugeesCash for Refugees provides direct cash assistance to displaced people. It focuses on vulnerable groups.Continuing to provide cash assistance to high-needs individuals across the country, reaching over 600 families with young children plus the elderly.
SpivDiiaA charity platform with support centers in most Ukrainian regions. It matches requests made by war-affected citizens to governmental hotlines and an online platform.Funding psychological online counseling and mobile service teams for children, along with food support around the frontline.
TAPS UkraineTAPS Ukraine cares for families who have lost loved ones. It currently supports more than 500 of these families.Completing the construction of the TAPS Ukraine Resilience Center in Dnipro, offering forums and training in mental wellness, trauma resolution, and emergency medical care.
Move UkraineMove Ukraine provides sustainable housing communities and job opportunities for war-affected Ukrainians.Funding shelter rehabilitation with permanent housing for internally-displaced people in Kharkiv and Lviv.

That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more news and updates.