The World of Warcraft ping wheel is coming with the next patch, so let’s take a look at how it works and how you can set up custom macros.
Let's all thank Apex Legends for introducing a mechanic into video games thatall multiplayer titles should use unequivocally. The context-sensitive ping wheel is a communications blessing, and one that has reduced the need for gross and awful human contact while gaming. It only makes sense that the most famous MMORPG is finally getting in on the action. The World of Warcraft ping wheel is set for release on Sept. 5 with the Fury Incarnate patch.
Blizzard gave us a sneak peek at how the WoW ping wheel works and what to expect on release day. While it's not as complex as some other ping systems, it should allow dungeon groups and raids alike to more cohesively point out that the healers are all dead from standing in fire.
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How does the World of Warcraft ping wheel work?
The WoW ping wheel offers a number of context-sensitive notifications that will appear to players in your party. To begin, you hold the 'G' key to open the ping wheel. Depending on where your mouse cursor is will change where your ping goes and what it highlights. For instance, you can use the ping on a piece of terrain, an enemy mob, or another player.
Likewise, you can open the World of Warcraft ping wheel and drag the warning icon of your choice to a variety of objects in the world or even unitframes on the screen. Your four ping notifications include:
- Attack
- Warning
- On My Way
- Assist

The ability to change how your pings operate is found in the new Ping System screen in Options and under Gameplay. The WoW ping wheel can also be turned off and on. Likewise, you can also assign each ping notification to its own keybind. You can also use pings in custom macros, such as the self-ping macro shown in the video above.
While simple, the ping system is a much-needed quality of life feature that feels like a long time coming. You'll get the chance to ping yourself over and over before dying senselessly on Sept. 5 with the release of Patch 10.1.7.
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