Happy Winter Veil, World of Warcraft players! Don’t forget your free present under the tree

Happy Winter Veil! Your free present is waiting for you in the capital cities, so be sure to tell the WoW player in your life to log on!

Merry Christmas Happy Winter Veil all you World of Warcraft faithful! It's been a long year full of new expansions and otters wearing sunglasses, so consider today a chance to take a break. And while you're taking that break don't forget your Winter Veil free present underneath the tree! An annual tradition on Azeroth, players can head on over to their capital city--or Iron Forge in the case of all you lame Alliance players--and grab a number of free gifts. After all, presents are the reason for the season.

So, what's waiting underneath the tree this year? Let's shake some boxes and spoil the fun.

Where to get your Winter Veil free present

<em>The Winter Veil tree of Orgrimmar.</em>
The Winter Veil tree of Orgrimmar.

Head over to Orgrimmar or Ironforge for your Winter Veil free present, but for those that want to know ahead of time what they're getting: New toys! The Falling Star Catcher and Falling Star Flinger are the 2022 presents, and along with them comes a game and a possible achievement to boot! Here's the items:

Falling Star Catcher
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up - Toy
Use: Become a starcatcher! Use again to knockback nearby starcatchers.

Falling Star Flinger
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up - Toy
Use: Become a star flinger! Use again to fling a star to starcatchers.

The two items can be used in tandem by players to play a minigame. Along with this game comes a new Feat of Strength achievement, The More You Know, which says "Catch 100 falling stars, using the 2022 Vintage Winter Veil gift, Falling Star Catcher." And if you think that reference seems familiar then look no further than the old NBC infomercials that used to run, ending with a nostalgic star flying across the screen and a jingle many of us know by heart.

If you can't log on today due to Christmas aggro then have no fear: You have until January 1 to collect thine gifts. However, isn't the greatest gift of all found in avoiding your family and playing WoW instead of politely nodding while your uncle tells you about how kids these days have it so easy?

Yeah, we thought so. Merry Christmas.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more WoW news and eggnog recipes.