VALORANT leakers have apparently figured out the name of the new Duelist Agent coming to the game, and she goes by Waylay.
UPDATE: Waylay has been confirmed and officially revealed. Check out her abilities in our preview of the Agent!
It never fails, no matter how hard Riot Games tries. There is always someone, someway that leaks get out. In this instance, we now have an idea of the new VALORANT Agent, with their name leaked as being Waylay.
We know she's a Duelist and we know she will be showcased before the Grand Final of VALORANT Masters Bangkok. And now, we allegedly know her name.
What else do we know? Let's dive in to the recent leak, and remember, always take these as pure speculation until Riot Games releases official details.
Waylay leaked as the name of new Duelist VALORANT Agent
Your typical sources for VALORANT leaks came out with the information. For us, that is Mike of ValorLeaks, who we got to speak to about the process and what's to come for him a little while back.
He shared a recent teaser by VALORANT regarding the new Duelist Agent, but suggested that her name is Waylay. That's really all we have to go off. There have been teases, though, so let's break it down.
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What do we know about Waylay so far?
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but when the term "dazzling" was used to describe the new VALORANT Agent, known now as Waylay, we automatically assumed light powers. Well, our first look came in a trailer for Masters Bangkok, with her communicating to Tejo.
Nothing was really revealed then, but VALORANT soon put out a slow motion video of Killjoy with an effect around her head. This could easily be a flash or a stun that slows down the enemy it connects with.
Following that, Waylay our new VALORANT Agent, was seen zipping through a market. Look closely and two lightbulbs near the front are out. Waylay dashes through the area, but also sends another colored dash the opposite direction?
Could this be a quick teleport/dash ability with a bit of trickery like Yoru's? Drawing power from light and using it definitely isn't out of the question, but remember, anything leaked is just speculation and we're just guessing for fun.
So, stay tuned to for more esports news and VALORANT coverage, especially when the showmatch happens and Waylay is officially revealed!