The VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023 includes several popular skins and exclusive accessories, with a portion of the proceeds going to charity.
Riot Games is once again using VALORANT for charitable purposes. This time around, they have released the VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023. It features exclusive accessories and old skins you can add to your collection if you missed them when they first arrived.
Just like the previous Give Back bundles, the 2023 version supports the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. For every weapon skin purchased, 50% of the proceeds will go to the fund. For accessories, though, 100% of those proceeds are headed to the fund.
Everything in the VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023
The VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023 has four weapon skins. You can purchase them all separately or together in bundled form. Along with those, there are three exclusive accessories only available while the bundle is in the shop.

- Recon Spectre
- Magepunk Sheriff
- Gaia's Vengeance Vandal
- Reaver Guardian
- Give Back // 2023 Spray
- Give Back // 2023 Card
- Give Back // 2023 Buddy
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Bundle price
You can view the full bundle price right from your in-game shop. It is in the Featured Slot and shows that it costs 6,387 VALORANT Points. Of course, you can choose to purchase any of the items individually if there's a singular one you want to get your hands on.
Each weapon skin costs 1,775 VP if one is purchased by itself. The Spray on its own is 675 VP. The accessories then slightly increase from there, with the Player Card running 775 VP and the Gun Buddy, which gives you two upon purchase, being 975 VP.
VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023 release date
Riot Games has cleared up plenty of room for the VALORANT Give Back Bundle 2023 in the shop's schedule. It will be available for multiple weeks if you are waiting for a paycheck to come in or simply deciding which skin you want.
The bundle launched on July 19. It then leaves the shop on August 4, just before VALORANT Champions 2023 begins. If previous Give Back bundles are any indication, the Riot Games Social Impact Fund should see a large contribution by the first-person shooter's player base.
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