Executive Producer Anna Dunlon provided a welcoming, transparent update on the state of VALORANT and what 2022 will bring for the game.

In a new Dev Diaries video released on the VALORANT YouTube channel this week, Executive Producer Anna Donlon spoke about 2022. And she got one thing out of the way: there would be no new agents or maps for the remainder of the act.

Before getting to the heart of the story, Donlon spoke of how the community's feedback had forced the development team to "keep up" during the first year. It was this, combined with the timely release of new content and the success of VALORANT Champions Tour that allowed the game to be successful.

"By the end of last year, I truly believe you, our players, really helped establish VALORANT's voice and our community," she states. "Now, here we are, 2022, and we have ambitions--lots of them in fact."

When is the Next Agent Releasing?

Dunlon explains that the theme for Act II was building a strong foundation and then reinforcing it. In essence, they want to build upon what they already have to maintain the game's viability. This also means, according to Dunlon, that there will be no new agents or maps for the remainder of Act II. The focus will be solely on agent balance, existing maps, "promoting good player behavior," and ranked experiences. She points out that sometimes, "you need to just take a minute. You need to take a look around and make sure things are the way they should be."

Don't worry, this only means you can abuse Neon's broken kit for a little while longer.  Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.
Don't worry, this only means you can abuse Neon's broken kit for a little while longer. Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.

Reaffirming that this was something they were already doing, Dunlon also explained that the teams will be open and more communicative with the community regarding their future plans. While the Yoru rework was first shelved in August 2021, a December blog post confirmed it is currently in the works. More to the point, popular VALORANT leaker Mike has stated that this could be released as soon as Patch 4.03.

The moment Yoru found out he may actually be useful in the game. Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.
The moment Yoru found out he may actually be useful in the game. Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.

Anyone disappointed in the lack of new agents during this act, don't fret. Dunlon confirms that a new agent will debut during Act III.

"Let's Chat More"

Dunlon concludes the update stating she would like the teams and the community to nurture mutual transparency. She pledges they will "open up even more lines of communication" and is cognizant this won't always yield positive results. And just because there won't be new agents, it doesn't mean there won't be new content. There will still be new skins and the Community Battlepass will be introduced.

The VALORANT bus is coming.  Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.
The VALORANT bus is coming. Photo via Riot Games / VALORANT.

As of publishing, there is no known date as to when we can expect this content to be released, but it's safe to presume it will be before the end of the Act.

So What Else Can We Expect?

"2022 is going to be a big year for VALORANT," Dunlon declares. The goal for this year is to keep the community engaged with content, new features, and continued support. Most comments left on the video were very positive, with high expectations for future VALORANT patches. Notably, they express gratitude at VALORANT's transparency and willingness to continue to speak with the player base. If this continues, Dunlon may be correct in stating that this will be indeed a big year for VALORANT.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Valorant news and updates.