Game-breaking Valorant Corpse bug causes dead bodies to disappear cover image

Game-breaking Valorant Corpse bug causes dead bodies to disappear

What do you do when you cannot see your dead teammates?

A game-breaking bug in Valorant causes dead bodies to disappear. Without any available target, Sage players cannot resurrect their teammates, a potentially game-changing event. But there is a temporary fix to the corpse bug.

Sage’s ultimate ability, Resurrection, allows her to revive teammates back to full health. The bug makes corpses invisible thereby removing an important part of the team’s composition. Sage has seen an increasing presence in professional matches due to her ability to bring back dead allies to life. The ability virtually adds an extra person to your team as the enemy has to eliminate your ally twice.

Sage players: Where’s my teammate?

TriggerHappy0071 posted a Reddit thread with a video of the corpse bug. In the video, Sage sees his teammate die in front of her on Icebox. Like any good Sage player, she sets up a barrier to prepare for a resurrection on Reyna. But after setting up the barrier, he just couldn’t find the dead body that had already vanished on her. Without an allied target to lock on to, there was no way possible for her to resurrect his teammate.

 Sage’s ultimate is a crucial part of any team composition and is the biggest reason for teams to pick her up. But when this corpse bug makes it impossible for Sage players to use their ultimate, it drastically reduces the chance to win the round.

How to fix Corpse Bug in Valorant?

Sage's Resurrection revives teammates.

The issue arises mainly because corpses become invisible due to a bug in Valorant. A simple way to fix the bug, for now, is to disable corpses in-game altogether. 

Here’s how to disable corpses in Valorant:

  • Go to in-game settings.
  • Click on the General tab.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Show Corpses’ option.
  • Disable the option.

This will ensure there are no corpses in-game. Instead, you will see a light glowing at the location of death. You can differentiate between allies and opponents by the color of the light. Allies have a blue shade while enemies have a red shade in color-blind mode. 

While players wait for Riot to fix this bug, this temporary fix should solve your ‘corpse problem’. 

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