Leviatán vs T1 is the first 0-1 matchup of VCT Masters Shanghai, with the winners getting one more chance and the losing team eliminated.

The second round of the VCT Masters Shanghai Swiss Stage continues with our 0-1 teams. Coming off of losses in their opening matches, we have Leviatán vs T1. At the end of the match, one team is out of the tournament.

Leviatán vs T1
Breeze 13:9
Sunset 13:7

Leviatán vs T1 - The first team gets eliminated here

Leviatán is a powerhouse of a team that looked poised to beat Gen.G after their first map. When all was said and done, they took a look a loss and find themselves with their Masters Shanghai life on the line against T1.

In an interview with LEV's tex, he mentioned the evolution of VALORANT with many standout NA Tier 2 players showcased at this Chinese event. That includes T1's Rossy. Both players are familiar with each other from their time in NA Challengers.

They'll face off with T1 after falling short against G2. That was a very close series, ending on a third map in overtime. With one team from both regions already qualified for players, it'll be time to send either a Pacific or Americas squad packing.

Leviatán VALORANT roster

(Photo by David Lee/Riot Games)
(Photo by David Lee/Riot Games)
  • Francisco "kiNgg" Aravena
  • Ian "tex" Botsch
  • Roberto "Mazino" Rivas
  • Erick "aspas" Santos
  • Corbin "C0M" Lee

T1 VALORANT roster

(Photo by David Lee/Riot Games)
(Photo by David Lee/Riot Games)
  • Lee "Carpe" Jae-hyeok
  • Ha "Sayaplayer" Jeong-woo
  • Daniel "Rossy" Abedrabbo
  • Ham "iZu" Woo-ju
  • Kevin "xccurate" Susanto

How to watch Leviatán vs T1 at VCT Masters Shanghai

As always, you can catch the series on the official VALORANT YouTube and Twitch channels. Many co-streams are also taking place. But we know you want to stay here as we recap the series, so we've got a stream embedded for you just below.

Leviatán vs T1 - VCT Masters Shanghai Swiss Stage recap

Read on for the recap and clips to highlight how the series went down.

Map 1: Breeze

The Americas team started off with a victorious pistol round. A 3K from aspas ensured a second round. Unlike many maps at Masters Shanghai prior to this, LEV managed to convert the bonus. A nice clutch from tex followed for LEV to hit four in a row.

It just kept coming for Leviatán, a clutch from kiNgg extended the lead. They would get six rounds in a row before T1 netted their first. The second for T1 arrived after Sayaplayer prevented the Spike from being defused with the Operator. LEV didn't let that shake them, as they entered halftime sitting pretty.

A minor tech pause delayed the start of the second half, but once it got going, T1 secured the pistol. They closed the gap further right after. An almost clutch from kiNgg, but T1 halted him and converted the bonus.

A quick Thrifty from LEV, though, put a stop to the momentum and got them to 10. Scrappy rounds from both teams were on display, with LEV maintaining their lead as T1 tried to claw their way into this one. On the other end of a timeout, LEV reached map point, then took map one soon after.

Map 2: Sunset

Leviatán picked up right where they left off. A quick three rounds were theirs to start Sunset. T1 got their first much earlier this time around. LEV had no problem getting a fourth and fifth, however, showing similarities to Breeze.

T1 got to two, but it wasn't long before LEV ensured a lead at halftime. A big defensive hold by tex kept LEV in charge and got them their eighth round. Nine would come easily, and a 3K from aspas notched round 10 before sides switched.

Any chance of a comeback required a pistol round win for T1. Well, they got it with a solid iZu clutch by A Site. They got their fourth round, but the bonus would not happen. LEV had better weaponry and started to make their way towards the finish line.

The teamplay of T1 began to work, getting them more rounds on the board, but it was ultimately too late. They sent in a Rolling Thunder and pushed to capitalize, but C0M made it out of the way and punished that push. This put LEV at series point. Then a nice 3K from tex shut the door.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and VALORANT coverage.