Chamber will be the 17th VALORANT agent, a dapper gentleman assassin with an assortment of gadgets that includes his very own custom-made golden sniper rifle. Yes, one shot, one kill.
Riot Games have dropped arguably one of their best agent trailers to date, introducing the world to the upcoming new agent Chamber. Chamber, the "maître du jeu" (Master of the game in French) will join VALORANT for REFLECTION: Act III set for release on November 16th, just in time for the calm before the CHAMPIONS storm.
Chamber specialises in "highly lethal, pinpoint accuracy"
Chamber is a French sentinel agent who would fit right into the Kingsmen universe, which is unsurprising as Riot Games said they designed him as "gentleman assassin".
His abilities are themed around "highly lethal, pinpoint accuracy" according to VALORANT character producer John Goscicki, with his attire just as immaculate - as we see in the agent trailer.
“We started by thinking about different ways to approach the Sentinel role," said Goscicki said in the press release. “Early on, our thought process wrapped around the idea of ‘someone that bunkers down, and holds a location by getting frags.’"
"As we worked on Chamber, the evolution of someone who can hold down a site with an array of weapons emerged. Between your loadout, his pistol/ult, and gadgets, a player should be able to hold down a location—but it’s up to you to use the tools correctly and creatively.”

Chamber's Abilities
Chamber's abilities revolve around gadgets and his custom-made arsenal of weaponry should make for some great outplays on the battlefield.
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Q - Headhunter
Chamber's Q equips his very own heavy pistol which we see in the agent trailer. The heavy pistol comes with an alternative fire that allows him to aim down sights.
E - Rendezvous
PLACE two teleport anchors. While within range of an anchor reactivate to teleport to the other anchor. Anchors may be retrieved and redeployed.
C - Trademark
PLACE a trap that scans for enemies. When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.

X - Tour de Force (Chamber's Ultimate)
ACTIVATE to summon a powerful, custom sniper rifle that will kill an enemy with any direct hit. Killing an enemy creates a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.
Chamber will become the 17th agent in VALORANT and will arrive in patch 3.10 on November 16th. He was announced on October 28th in the middle of the VALORANT Last Chance Qualifiers.