Tesla is informing new Model S and Model X buyers that they are updating their vehicles to no longer be capable of playing Steam games.

Tesla is dropping support for Steam by disabling cars' capabilities. The company has begun informing new Model S and Model X buyers that they are updating their vehicles to no longer be capable of playing Steam games.

Neither Tesla nor any of its staff have made any statements regarding the feature's removal. The only official communication so far has been in the form of messages sent directly to new purchasers.

A portion of the message delivered to new Model S and X owners (Image via esports.gg)
A portion of the message delivered to new Model S and X owners (Image via esports.gg)

A change in direction for Tesla

Regardless of the reasoning, the change is surprising due to Tesla's emphasis on the feature over the past couple of years. Elon Musk, in particular, made use of his platform to advertise the feature.

When Steam support was initially announced for Tesla vehicles in December 2022, Musk tweeted excitedly about it. He and his company even went as far as to add support for controller as well as keyboard and mouse. In the replies, Musk also claimed the computing power of the Model S and X to be comparable to the PlayStation 5.

The news broke when Reddit users on r/Tesla began posting screenshots of messages they were receiving regarding their yet-to-be-delivered vehicles. With no clear reason or motivation for the update, commenters are speculating what may be causing this turnaround.

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