The TFT development team shared a bit of what is to come in TFT Set 11. Here’s everything we know about Inkborn Fables so far.
The theme of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 11 was officially announced live after crowning the Remix Rumble Championship champion. Inkborn Fables takes tacticians on a journey . You will first be able to play TFT Set 11 on PBE, March 5, in the afternoon PT.
For those looking for a deeper dive into what's coming in Set 11 without unit ability spoilers, this is perfect. After a TFT set based around music and audio, this set is sure to amaze players from a visual perspective. Let's take a closer look at what the development team has been working on for Set 11.
TFT Set 11 Mechanics
The special set mechanic for Set 11 is called Encounters. You will experience anywhere from two to five encounters per game, and they can appear as early as the start of the game.
- Cho'Gath
- Kayn
- Lillia
- Ornn
- Sett
- Tahm Kench
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Yorick
- And more!
These units will appear in a screen similar to the one in the video and set an encounter that all players in the lobby will experience at the same time. Some will feel more impactful than others but they will accumulate throughout each game to keep the experience fresh. These encounters are for you to explore, but they will shape how you manage your gold, items, experience, and more!
- Permanent mechanic since Set 6 Gizmos and Gadgets
- Returning permanent mechanic from Set 9 Runeterra Reforged and Set 10 Remix Rumble
TFT Set 11 Traits

- Dragonlord
- Dryad
- Fated
- Fortune
- Ghostly
- Inkshadow
- Mythic
- Porcelain
- Umbral
- Storyweaver
- Summons Kayle who joins battle and equips a talisman to buff adjacent allies
- Altruist
- Arcanist
- Behemoth
- Bruiser
- Duelist
- Invoker
- Reaper
- Sage
- Sniper
- Trickshot
- Warden
Unique Traits
- Exalted
- Each game will have different Exalted units that do not share traits
- When active, your team will gain bonus damage and be granted a consumable to sell for experience
- Single traits tied to Legendary Units
- Great
- Wukong
- Lovers
- Xayah & Rakan
- Spirit Walker
- Udyr
- Great
TFT Set 11 Unit List
The newest champion in League of Legends, Hwei joins the convergence lineup, as well as Aphelios's sister, Alune. This is the entire list of units that you will be able to play in Set 11.

These are your 13 early game one-cost units.
Unit | Traits |
Ahri | Fated Arcanist |
Caitlyn | Ghostly Sniper |
Cho'Gath | Mythic Behemoth |
Darius | Umbral Duelist |
Garen | Storyweaver Warden |
Jax | Inkshadow Warden |
Kha'Zix | Heavenly Reaper |
Kobuko | Fortune Bruiser |
Kog'Maw | Mythic Invoker Sniper |
Malphite | Heavenly Behemoth |
Rek'Sai | Dryad Bruiser |
Sivir | Inkshadow Trickshot |
Yasuo | Fated Duelist |

These are your 13 early-to-mid game two-cost units to play around.
Unit | Traits |
Aatrox | Ghostly Inkshadow Bruiser |
Gnar | Dryad Warden |
Janna | Dragonlord Invoker |
Lux | Porcelain Arcanist |
Kindred | Fated Dryad Reaper |
Neeko | Mythic Heavenly Arcanist |
Qiyana | Heavenly Duelist |
Riven | Storyweaver Altruist Bruiser |
Senna | Inkshadow Sniper |
Shen | Ghostly Behemoth |
Teemo | Fortune Trickshot |
Yorick | Umbral Behemoth |
Zyra | Storyweaver Sage |
Related articles

Here are your 13 mid-game three-cost units to work with.
Unit | Traits |
Alune | Umbral Invoker |
Amumu | Porcelain Warden |
Aphelios | Fated Sniper |
Bard | Mythic Trickshot |
Diana | Dragonlord Sage |
Illaoi | Ghostly Arcanist Warden |
Soraka | Heavenly Altruist |
Tahm Kench | Mythic Bruiser |
Thresh | Fated Behemoth |
Tristana | Fortune Duelist |
Volibear | Inkshadow Duelist |
Yone | Umbral Reaper |
Zoe | Fortune Storyweaver Arcanist |

These are the 12 four-cost units in Set 11.
Unit | Traits |
Annie | Ghostly Inkshadow Bruiser |
Ashe | Dryad Warden |
Galio | Dragonlord Invoker |
Kai'Sa | Fated Dryad Reaper |
Kayn | Heavenly Mythic Arcanist |
Lee Sin | Heavenly Duelist |
Lillia | Storyweaver Altruist Bruiser |
Morgana | Ghostly Behemoth |
Nautilus | Fortune Trickshot |
Ornn | Umbral Behemoth |
Sylas | Storyweaver Sage |
Syndra | Fated Arcanist |

There are eight Legendary units in Set 11.
Unit | Traits |
Azir | Umbral Invoker |
Hwei | Porcelain Warden |
Irelia | Fortune Trickshot |
Lissandra | Dragonlord Sage |
Sett | Porcelain Arcanist |
Wukong | Ghostly Arcanist Warden |
Xayah & Rakan | Lovers Dragonlord Rakan: Altruist Xayah: Trickshot |
Udyr | Inkshadow Behemoth Spirit Walker |
Arenas & Tacticians
These are the brand new Chibis and arenas that you can expect to see in TFT Set 11.
Chibi Spirit Blossom Ahri

Chibi Majestic Empress Morgana

Heaven's Celestial Court

- Treasure Realms content, alongside Chibi Majestic Empress Morgana and Chibi Spirit Blossom Ahri
Dreams of Earth

These are the non-cutscene Chibis and tacticians that will also be joining the roster:
- Chibi Morgana
- Dowsie
- Hundun
- Ink Sprite
- Ink Squink
TFT Set 11 release date
Public Beta Environment (PBE)
TFT Set 11: Inkborn Fables will be available on PBE servers starting March 5, afternoon PT.
Patch 14.6
After two weeks of Set 11 on PBE, Set 11 will officially launch to live servers for ranked play on the morning of March 20 with the release of patch 14.6.
Stay tuned to for the latest Teamfight Tactics news and updates.