New artifacts and support items are coming soon to Teamfight Tactics (TFT)! Check out this patch 14.9 preview to view them all!
Teamfight Tactics (TFT) designer Riot Wittrock, alongside senior game designer on TFT, Riot Truexy, worked on 20 new artifacts and five new support items. These will be released with patch 14.9 on May 1. Let's take a look at all the mostly new items in this TFT patch 14.9 preview, shall we?
TFT patch 14.9 preview: New artifacts
Twenty new artifacts will be joining the convergence to be equipped on your champions for combat. Here's what we know about all of them.

Cursed Blade
+15% Attack Speed
+20 Magic Resistance
"Attacks reduce the target's maximum health by 2%. A unit hit by this effect 13 times has their star level reduced by one."
+30% Attack Speed
+30% Attack Damage
"Doubles the holder's attack range and causes each of their attacks to target a random enemy."
Forbidden Idol
+200 HP
+25 Armor
+25 Magic Resistance
"Shields have 50% of their value converted to max health instead."
Horizon Focus
+250 HP
+25 Ability Power
+15 Mana
"Stunning an enemy causes lightning to strike them, dealing an additional 20% of their max health as magic damage."
Innervating Locket
+150 HP
+15 Mana
"The holder gains 2% of their total mana whenever they're hit by an attack. Each cast restores 20% of the holder's max health over 3 seconds."

Lich Bane
+30 Ability Power
+15 Mana
"The holder's first attack after each cast deals 150 bonus magic damage. (Damage increases based on Stage)."
Lightshield Crest
+40 Armor
+40 Magic Resistance
"Every 3 seconds, shields the lowest percent health ally for 50% of the holder's combined Armor and Magic Resistance. On death, grants this shield to all allies."
Luden's Tempest
+30% Attack Damage
+30 Ability Power
"100% of overkill damage plus 100 is dealt as magic damage to 3 enemies nearest to the target."
+80% Attack Speed
"Shrinks the holder, granting them increased movement speed, 20% damage reduction, and immunity to Chill. (Chill: Attack speed reduction)."
Prowler's Claw
+25% Critical Strike Chance
+25% Attack Damage
"After killing a target, shed negative effects and dash to the farthest target within 4 hexes. The next 2 critical attacks deal 60% bonus critical strike damage."

Rapid Firecannon
+50% Attack Speed
"Gain +1 Attack Range, increased by 1 whenever the holder kills an enemy."
Red Buff replaced this item as the combination for 2 Recurve Bows. Rapid Firecannon is being re-introduced as an artifact and will allow melee carries to attack from a safe distance and start combats from range again.
Seeker's Armguard
+25 Ability Power
+25 Armor and Magic Resistance
"Takedowns increase the holder's Armor, Magic Resistance, and Ability Power by 10, increased to 15 if they score the kill."
Related articles
Silvermere Dawn
+150% Attack Speed
+50 Armor
+50 Magic Resistance
"The holder's attack speed is locked at 0.5. Grants immunity to stuns and the holder's attacks stun the target for 0.5 seconds."
Spectral Cutlass
+30% Attack Damage
+20% Critical Strike Chance
"Combat Start: Teleports the holder to the mirrored hex on the enemy's side of the board. After 6 seconds, the holder returns to their original location."

Suspicious Trench Coat
+250 HP
+25% Attack Speed
"Once per combat at 50% health, the holder splits into 3 copies of himself each with 25% of their max health. (Unique - only one per champion)."
Talisman of Ascension
+300 HP
+15% Attack Damage
+15 Ability Power
"After 20 seconds, gain 100% max health and 100% increased damage for the rest of combat."
Unending Despair
+400 HP
+40 Armor
"Whenever a shield on the holder breaks, 50% of that shield's initial value is dealt to the nearest enemy as magic damage."
Wit's End
+30% Attack Speed
+30 Magic Resistance
"Attacks deal 42 bonus magic damage. Heals the holder for 35% of all magic damage dealt."
In addition to introducing 20 new artifacts to TFT, patch 14.9 removes Goldmancer's Staff and Mogul's Mail from the artifact pool.
TFT patch 14.9 preview - Portable Forge and Artifact Item Anvil
- Portable Forge will now have 4 choices at all stages
- Portable Forge+ and Portable Forge++ are now removed
- Artifact Item Anvils will also have 4 choices instead of 3
TFT patch 14.9 preview - New support Items
In addition to the 20 new artifacts, there will also be 5 new support items added into the mix.
Knight's Vow
+150 HP
"Combat Start: Grant 100 health and 15% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row."
Moonstone Renewer
+250 HP
"Every 4 seconds, shield the 2 lowest percent health allies for 100-400 health (based on stage) for 4 seconds."
+250 HP
"When this unit dies, reduce the Attack Damage and Ability Power of enemy units within 2 hexes by 40% for 10 seconds. Allies within the explosion range gain 20% Attack Damage and Ability Power for the same duration."
The Eternal Flame
+250 HP
"Every 5 seconds, all enemies are 33% Wounded and all allies deal 7% more damage for 5 seconds. (Wound: Reduces healing received)."
Unstable Treasure Chest
+250 HP
"When the holder dies, grant 3 completed items to nearby allies."
TFT patch 14.9 preview: Public beta environment (PBE)
All of the changes with the new artifacts and support items will be available to play on PBE servers starting April 17, as patch 14.8 releases on live servers.
That's all for this TFT patch 14.9 preview. Stay tuned on for more news, guides, and updates.