TFT patch 14.6b goes live: Bug fixes, augment changes, Mythic nerf

Maxwell Tsao

Maxwell Tsao

With some overperforming augments and bugs harming the health of the release of Teamfight Tactics Set 11, here are the TFT patch 14.6b notes!

Although the official next patch 14.7 is just a week away, the TFT development team felt it necessary to fix some bugs negatively impacting player experience. While fixing these bugs, they simultaneously adjusted some of the overperforming augments and toned down the success of the Mythic trait line.

All in one day, Riot Games announced and shipped the b-patch to live TFT. Here is everything that has been changed in the now current TFT patch 14.6b.

What's in TFT Patch 14.6b?

TFT Patch 14.6b trait nerf


  • Mythic attack damage (AD) and ability power (AP) reduced from 12/22/35/35 to 10/20/32/32

TFT Patch 14.6b augment adjustments

Silver Augments

Sharing is Caring

  • "Combat start: You gain 2 gold 1 gold and your opponent gains 1 gold"

Gold Augments

Built Different II

  • "Your units with no traits active gain 250-500 220-480 health and 40-60% 55% attack speed (based on current stage)."

Drop Blossom (Neeko "hero" augment)

  • "Gain a Neeko. Your strongest Neeko's spell Heals 25% 35% more, and slams for 30% 35% increased damage. Each cast increases the spell radius by 1."


  • "Now, and at the start of every stage, gain 6 XP and 3 2 free rerolls for that round only."

Extended Duel

  • "Your duelists start combat with 3 2 stacks. At max stacks, they gain 10% omnivamp. Gain a Darius and a Yasuo."

Lucky Ricochet

  • "Trickshots bounce 1 additional time for 50% 40% of original damage."

Three's a Crowd

  • "Your team gains 75 66 health for each unique 3-cost champion on your board."

Prismatic Augments


  • "Get a Support Thief's Gloves and 8 gold 4 gold."

Pumping Up III

  • "Your team gains 12% 10% attack speed now. Each round after, they gain 2% more."

TFT Patch 14.6b bug fixes

  • After being CC'd by Udyr's ability, Irelia will no longer stop attacking
  • Hyper Roll encounters will now happen more often outside of just carousel rounds
  • Units will no longer lose traits when traveling to another player's board when players have more than one Tactician's Crown

This small b-patch should help reduce the impact of these outlier augments and compositions featuring the successful early and late-game Mythic units. Happy climbing on TFT patch 14.6b! Expect information on patch 14.7 early next week, on April 1.

That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more news, guides, and updates.