With regional finals across the world and the Set 10 world championship coming up, TFT patch 14.3b released to make minor improvements!
Teamfight Tactics lead designer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer just announced that TFT patch 14.3b is live. This is meant to be a small change to improve player experience and balance for upcoming important tournaments globally.
What's in TFT Patch 14.3b?

Patch 14.3b trait nerfs
- Heart Multiplier reduced at 5-piece from 1/2.25/5.5/18x to 1/2/5.5/18x
Patch 14.3b champion nerfs

- Ability on-hit damage reduced from 35/55/80% Abilty Power (AP) to 35/52/75% AP
- Ability damage reduced from 90% Attack Damage (AD) to 85% AD
- AD reduced from 75 to 72
Related articles
Augment changes
- Extended Play disabled
- "Gain bonuses for starring Punk champions.
2-star: Gain 2 gold
3-star: Gain 1 component"
- "Gain bonuses for starring Punk champions.
- Heartthrobs disabled
- "Gain 25% more Heartsteel hearts.
Your Heartsteel champions gain 200 Health.
Gain a K'Sante and an Aphelios."
- "Gain 25% more Heartsteel hearts.
Bug fixes
- Scrappy Inventions now works as intended, granting components at the start of the next two stages
- Guinsoo's Rageblade stacks will not occasionally reset when a summon occurs in combat (i.e. Yorick ghouls)
For Mortdog's explanation on all the changes, refer to his X post below.
This is meant to be MICROSCOPIC in terms of changing the meta, and mostly bug fixes.
The meta during TFT patch 14.3b should look the same as patch 14.3b, but the bug fixes and slight nerfs should nudge the game in a slightly more enjoyable and balanced direction. This is the patch that many regions will be playing either their final tournaments before regional final tournaments or their regional finals.
Upcoming tournaments on TFT patch 14.3b
- Brazil (BR) - ProLegends Finals (Regional Finals tournament)
- Latin America (LATAM) - Remix Rumble Playoffs
- Southeast Asia (SEA) - Road to SEA Finals
- Korea (KR) - East Asia Korean Qualifier
- Oceania (OCE) - Last Chance Qualifier, True Damage Cup
The above tournaments are all leading into their respective regions' regional finals, apart from Brazil. Additionally, with TFT patch 14.4 scheduled to release on February 22, it is still undetermined whether patch 14.3b or 14.4 will be the patch for Regional Final tournaments in regions around the world such as China and Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).
That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more news, guides, and updates.