TFT patch 13.4 notes, release date, and more

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

When is the next TFT update? Read on for what to expect in the TFT patch 13.4 notes.

A new Teamfight Tactics (TFT) update draws near, and this time, it includes the Revival: Festival of Beasts set and more. Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer from Riot Games also posted a rundown on what to expect in the other TFT patch 13.4 notes. We've included screenshots of the upcoming changes outlined in his video and written out all of the details under each section.

Revival: Festival of Beasts artwork (Image via Riot games)
Revival: Festival of Beasts artwork (Image via Riot games)

TFT patch 13.4 release date

The next TFT patch is set to arrive on Jan. 23. Ahead of the release date, Mortdog posted a patch preview. The following early patch notes are from the public beta environment (PBE). 

Traits coming to Revival: Festival of Beasts in TFT patch 13.4 (Image via Riot Games)
Traits coming to Revival: Festival of Beasts in TFT patch 13.4 (Image via Riot Games)

TFT patch 13.4 notes

TFT patch 13.4 notes screenshot (Image via
TFT patch 13.4 notes screenshot (Image via

System updates

PVE RoundsAny PVE Round after minions that drops 2 of the same component will also drop a reforger.
AugmentsAugments that require a certain breakpoint of traits to appear, will require more units in that trait to appear on 4-2.
AnomaliesYou can now never see the same anomaly multiple times too close together.
OtherWhen “Wandering Trainer/Golem” effects grant 3 emblems, 1 will always be an Origin, 1 will always be a class, and 1 will be full random.
If it grants less than 3, it will be full random.
Traits from the TFT patch 13.4 notes (Image via
Traits from the TFT patch 13.4 notes (Image via

TFT Set 13 traits update

ExperimentEmblem Clone Bonus Health: 60% → 50%.
SorcererRemoved 8 Piece AP to Sorcerers: 20/55/105/140 → 20/55/90.
6 piece now has “Spells lower targets damage by 20% for 3 seconds.”
The old 8 piece bonus, but 20% instead of 25%.
VisionaryRemoved 8 Piece.
6 piece now has “Spells heal ally for 18% damage.”
The old 8 piece bonus, but 18% instead of 20%.
FamilyGetting a Family Emblem on a Warwick, Jinx, and Vi with Violet, Vander, and Powder will cause something special to happen.
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1LuxNow mana-locked if she shields herself with her ability.
1Morgana525/780/1300/1550 → 530/800/1500/1800 Spell Damage.
1Powder0.7 → 0.75 Attack Speed.
35 →30 AD.
2Leona50/50/50% → 50/50/55% Spell Durability.
2Urgot45 → 40 Armor/MR.
2Vander100/125/150 → 100/130/180 Spell Armor/MR.
3Loris600/700/800% → 600/700/900 Spell Shield.
3Scar220/240/270 → 245/255/270 Spell Heal.
4Garen200/220/1500 → 225/250/1500 Spell Shield AP Ratio.
4Twitch85% → 75% Spell Attack Speed.
5Jayce1200% → 8000% Ranged 3 Star Damage.
3000% → 8000% Melee 3 Star Damage.
6ViktorDeath Ray no longer Shreds/Sunders.
50/180/2000 → 60/240/2400 Death Ray Magic Damage.
100/300/9999 → 150/500/9999 Main Spell Damage.
8/20/100% → 3/10/100% Main % HP Damage.
Radiant item changes in the new TFT patch (Image via
Radiant item changes in the new TFT patch (Image via

Radiant items

Archangel’s StaffBase AP: 50 → 60.
Blue BuffAD & AP: 50 → 60.
DeathbladeDamage Amp: 12% → 20%.
Infinity EdgeAD: 65% → 70%.
Jeweled GauntletAP: 55 → 70.
Rabadon’s DeathcapAP: 70 → 80.
Runaan’s HurricaneAD: 35% → 50%.
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Augments in TFT patch 13.4

Augment Type
Augment Name
Silver AugmentsFiresaleChamp stolen: Any cost → 3-cost or lower.
Glass Cannon IRemoved from 2-1.
Rigged Shop+Rerolls granted: 5 → 9.
Spirit Link IHealth Regen interval: 5 → 4 seconds.
SurvivorGold: 70 → 88.
TrollingAS granted: 160% → 140%.
Young Wild and FreeRemoved from 3-2.
Gold: 2 → 5.
Gold AugmentsForbidden MagicTakedowns per stack: 3 → 2.
AD per stack: 1.5% → 2%.
Forward ThinkingGold reward sped up.
Turns required: 6 → 5.
Gold granted: 80 → 70.
Glass Cannon IIRemoved from 2-1.
Gloves OffSplash Damage: 25% → 35%.
Rocket CollectionRockets required: 75 → 65.
ScavengerChampions with no items now grant an item tailored to the unit receiving the item instead of dying champions.
Shop GlitchRemoved from 3-2.
Trait Unlock: ReunionVi Earthquake damage: 150% → 120%.
Trait Unlock: SistersCorrectly gives Vi AD and Jinx Attack Speed.
AD Buff: 40% → 60%.
Trade SectorGold: 1 → 4.
Two Much ValueRemoved from 3-2.
Welcome to the PlaygroundTime to live: 17 → 15 seconds.
Prismatic AugmentsBirthday PresentGrants 2 Gold on level up.
Blazing Soul IIAP: 35 → 45.
AS: 30% → 35%.
CoronationAD & AS: 30% → 25%.
AP: 40 → 35.
Pandora’s Items IIIRemoved from 4-2.
Prismatic PipelinePrismatic Orbs no longer grant bonus loot.
Quality Over QuantityBonus HP: 12% → 7%.
Shopping SpreeRerolls: Level → Level+1.
SpongingMax units to get items: 5 → 6.
Tactician’s KitchenTactician’s Shield granted after 3 player combats.
Tomb Raider IIGrants 1 completed item anvil on selection.
What You Really AreDouble Up Damage requirement: 35 → 20.
Anomalies screenshot (Image via
Anomalies screenshot (Image via

Anomalies (new)

New Anomaly
Brutal ClawsThis champion gains 40% Critical Strike chance and Critical Strikes bleed for 40% of their damage over 3 seconds.
Cultivating MagicGain 30 AP. Gain 5 AP permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
Cybernetic EmpowermentGain 8% Attack Speed and 2% Attack Speed for each component held by your team.
HivemindGain a copy of the first champion this champion kills each player combat. Gain 25% Damage Amp.
Infectious AnomalyGain 15% AD & 15 AP. At the start of each round, grant a random ally this anomaly. If they already have it, instead grant them 2% AD & 2 AP.
Power UpGain 20% AD. Gain 5% AD permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
Titan of TeamworkGain 1% durability for each star level on your board. Three star champions count as 4 stars.
Vampiric AffinityGain 20% Omnivamp. Increase this to 40% while below 75% health.
Voracious AppetiteThis champion gains 300 Health and 15% Damage Amp. Each round gain a consumable that grants 100 Health and 3% Damage Amp in exchange for 3 player health.
Anomaly updates screenshot (Image via
Anomaly updates screenshot (Image via

Anomalies (updates)

Arcana OverwhelmingBonus MR: 80 → 100
Defense ExpertArmor/MR Gained: 75% → 90%
RepulsorKnockback Range: 2 → 3 hexes
Titanic StrikesAD Damage: 40% → 50%
Touch of FrostDebuff Duration: 4 → 8 seconds
Wolf FamiliarsAD Percent: 65% → 75%
Big fixes screenshot (Image via
Big fixes screenshot (Image via

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes
Deep RootsNow specifies it pulls into Melee Range as opposed to range.
Hunger for PowerNow specifies the ally must be adjacent to get consumed.
QuicksilverNow correctly blocks stuns from Dramatic Entrance and Renni.
ViktorCast animation is no longer paused by stuns.
CaitlynHeadshots can no longer fizzle.
JayceHextech crystals now correctly attach to units so units can’t walk out of the explosion.
Quickstriker Crest & CrownNow mutually exclusive.
MorganaShield Reave effect no longer stacks on units afflicted with multiple stacks of her damage over time.
ExecutesNo longer bypass Last Stand and Prismatic Flesh Ripper.
Prismatic Flesh RipperRevive now always procs before Last Stand if you have both.
Welcome to the PlaygroundCan no longer rarely give Family members with emblems.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates.