The Boxbox Bootcamp for Set 9.5 came to a close recently after two weeks of survival competition.

After two weeks of survival competition, one victor in each of the Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9.5 Boxbox Bootcamp's three leagues stood above the rest. Congratulations to winners of the Set 9.5 Boxbox Bootcamp!

As a reminder, the three leagues for the competition were Pro League, Advanced League, and Casual League. Pro League consisted of players that had consistently been at least Master+ in previous sets. Most were actually players who are regularly Challenger rank, stream TFT, and compete in tournaments. The Advanced League included players who spend most of their time in Platinum and Diamond, some of whom graced the ranks of Master. Finally, there was the Casual League of players who were relatively new or beginners at TFT.

Without further ado, these are your winners of Set 9.5's rendition of the Boxbox Bootcamp:

Master Yi, popular TFT legend for Patch 13.18b (Image via Riot Games)
Master Yi, popular TFT legend for Patch 13.18b (Image via Riot Games)

Boxbox Bootcamp Pro League winner


Widely considered by his high ELO and professional TFT player peers as the best TFT player in North America (NA) the past few sets, Dishsoap took the win in the Pro League by over 200 League Points (LP). Before the bootcamp was officially over, Dishsoap sent out this message in declaration of his guaranteed victory.

To reach the amount of LP that he did on less games and to do them all on stream are extra layers of impressiveness. Dishsoap far and away proved why he was the best of the Professional League. Be sure to check out Dishsoap's Twitch and YouTube for more professional and educational TFT content!

Boxbox Bootcamp Advanced League winner


Woohoojin is perhaps currently best known as a Radiant Valorant coach who has achieved high ranks in multiple other games in the past, such as League of Legends, Starcraft II, and Rocket League. It should come as no surprise to those who know him that with extra work put into being the best TFT player he could be, that he was able to take the crown of the Set 9.5 Boxbox Bootcamp Advanced League, reaching Grandmaster 355LP. His coach Voids1n, a Challenger TFT player, sang praises of Woohoojin's work ethic, dedication and improvement.

For those interested in checking out Woohoojin, you can find him on his Twitch and YouTube.

Boxbox Bootcamp Casual League winner


Levoure is known by members of the TFT community as a friend and casual Valorant streamer that they enjoy gaming with. While she has played some TFT in the past, she never really took the game too seriously nor spent too many hours on it. However, for the sake of the competition, she had a bit of a mindset shift towards TFT. Here's what she had to say after winning the Set 9.5 Boxbox Bootcamp Casual League.

For anyone interested in checking her out, she streams here on Twitch.

A special shoutout is also in order for the winner of the Viewer League. Viewers were able to sign up to be part of the favorite competitor's team. By doing so, viewers had the opportunity to win Little Legend eggs for streamers to give away to their communities. Casparwu, who signed up to be on Boxbox's team, won the viewer league with slightly higher LP than Dishsoap at 1510LP.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates!