Huge balance changes and meta shifts are on the horizon.
Teamfight Tactics (TFT) patch 13.14 has been deployed. Similar to the previous patch, there are a plethora of changes in store. This article will highlight the most important changes to be wary of, as highlighted by TFT lead designer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer. Links to all of the changes will be provided below.
As of July 20, 2 p.m. PT, a B-patch for patch 13.14 has been implemented to TFT. Here are the details.
System changes in TFT patch 13.14

In TFT patch 13.14, Riot implemented a bunch of system changes that will bring more consistency and fun. The criteria for the strongest unit, which affects Shurima, Yordle, Demacia, and Ionia, is decided by most items, with the tiebreaker being your most recently fielded unit. This gives you more control over who is your strongest. The reworks to Petricite Forest and Yuumi's Zoom Zone should make them more enticing and exciting to play. Lastly, the loot system should more evenly and fairly distribute your items and gold throughout each stage.
Trait changes in patch 13.14

Strategist nerfs across the board are intended to balance the power of the Lux/Azir composition as well as the strength of splashing in strategist at any stage of the game. Stacking burn with Heimerdinger now works as intended. Meanwhile, the power of void in the early game is reduced, but scales better into the mid and late game. Another trait change not shown on this image that is rather significant is the nerf to Slayer. The omnivamp is reduced from 15% to 12%, and the damage increase threshold is being nerfed from 75% to 60%.
Champion changes in patch 13.14
1-cost champions

Orianna's ability has been reworked because there are currently too many instances where she casts on an ally and loses damage output. She now gains an empowered auto attack after her cast that guarantees extra damage to an opposing unit.
2-cost champions

Zed was the star of one of the strongest reroll compositions in the game, so in addition to the Slayer nerf, his AD and spell damage at 3-star is taking a hit.

There was no real incentive to place items on Ashe to have her carry in the early game, so the balance team buffed her spell AD% across the board. Galio received huge buffs because he has been underpowered in his role as a tank so far this set. Invoker units across the board received buffs, but most of them were changed again in the B-patch to stabilize the meta.
3-cost champions

The Akshan carry became one of the most popular carries in the game, so the buff may look odd. However, the buff is counteracted by the nerf to his spell interaction with items like Rageblade and Hurricane. This has also been addressed in the B-patch. Katarina, half of the duo carry in Noxus reroll, is receiving a significant nerf in damage, not mana as shown in the image. Karma was buffed notably, but those were tuned back down in the B-patch.
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4-cost champions

After a meta dominated by reroll, many 4-cost units and carries were buffed significantly. Aphelios and Zeri compositions may see a return to relevance in the meta, and a Lux buff should keep her in line with the rest of the meta.
5-cost champions

Aatrox and Ahri received buffs to make them feel much stronger and impactful as legendary units, especially when itemized. Additionally, Heimerdinger's burn-stacking upgrade has been fixed to do the correct amount of damage.
Item changes in patch 13.14

Dragon Claw and Locket, along with their radiant versions, may become more useful in the upcoming patch. With the buffs to invokers, these items could prove to be very helpful in matchups against them.
Augment changes in patch 13.14

The most necessary changes to augments were nerfs to Long Distance Pals, Mana Burn, Unified Resistance I, and Ravenous Hunter. These were some of the best performing augments in the game, along with Know Your Enemy, which is being reworked. Furthermore, Medium-End Shopping went from a Gold-tier augment to a Silver-tier augment, which could significantly increase its pick rate.
Full TFT patch 13.14 overview
To get a more in-depth look at all of the changes, you can check out the official patch notes here. You can also check out Mortdog's patch rundown video below.
Patch predictions
Dishsoap, who has held Rank 1 in North America on ladder for the longest in Set 9 and placed third in the recent Freljord Cup, announced his predictions for TFT patch 13.14, before the B-patch. Be on the lookout for these compositions as most may still dominate the meta.
That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more news, guides, and updates.